Pregnancy and Saunas: is it Safe?

Going to a sauna seems like an excellent method for expectant mothers to relax and ease muscle aches. It has however been recommended by experts around the world that pregnant women should avoid saunas regardless of the trimester.

A number of studies have suggested that a body temperature of or exceeding 102 degrees could increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. The risk is due to the women's body experiencing extreme heat during a period of her life where her body is already under pressure in support of her pregnancy.

During pregnancy increased blood volume and lower blood pressure is evident. When blood vessels relax due to their response to the heat experienced in a sauna, expectant mothers could faint due to difficulties in maintaining normal blood flow to the brain. This may not be the case for all pregnant women, however if other physical problems are also evident, then the heat may cause significant harm.

Nevertheless, there are various types of saunas which can be set to lower humidity and temperature settings, which may be more acceptable for use during pregnancy. It is still however better to seek advice from a health care provider prior to use.

Professionals still recommended avoiding saunas during pregnancy and alternatively pampering yourself with a professional massage, yoga session or a relaxed bath. A number of spas have specifically designed treatments for expectant mothers which can be a wonderful treat and a better option to jumping into a sauna or steam room.

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