PH And How It Affects Your Baby's Gender Or Sex

There are many variables that can effect and influence the gender of your baby.  One of the most important, and most elusive for many couples, is the PH and acidity of the mom to be.  I'll explain how this works in this article, and will also tell you tell you how you can alter your PH to give you the best chance of getting the gender you want, as well as other variables to keep in mind as well.

Why PH Is So Important In Gender Selection And Influencing Your Baby's Sex:The science behind gender selection works like this.  The characteristics of the sperm that will produce a girl and those that will produce a boy are different.  Boy sperm are pretty quick and will usually win a race of speed, but the girl sperm are stronger, live much longer, and will usually win a race of stamina.

So, boy sperm can not live for very long in a highly acidic environment or in a high PH, but girl sperm can.  So, if you want a daughter, your job is to get your PH sky high. If you want a son, you need to lower it to a place where it is dirt low.

How To Test Your PH:Many people who contact me through my gender selection sites admit that are a bit intimidated by manipulating their PH.  They have no idea how to begin or what steps to take to get where they need to be to get the gender of their choice. They feel like they are flying blind and trying different things with no idea if they are succeeding or failing.  It doesn't have to be this way, though.

The first step to having success is knowing your PH in the beginning.  There are testing strips that are designed just for this purpose that you can get at health food stores or online.  This will give you concrete, definitive answers so you don't have to just feel your way and hope for the best.

Once you know where you are, then the next step is to make the changes to raise or lower as appropriate.  There are two ways that you can do this.  You can either use a special, restrictive diet (an acidic diet for a girl, an alkaline diet for a boy) or you can use a special douche, depending on your reading.  Or, you can combine both methods (which will often work more quickly.) And, as you make these changes, you should continue to test, making adjustments as needed and stopping when you reach your optimal level.

Other Factors That Are Just As Important As PH In Determining Your Baby's Gender Or Sex:PH and acidity are very important, but there are other things to consider.  There are two more things that you can address to improve your changes for success (said to be as high as 95% if you address all of the variables correctly.)

The first is having intercourse in such a way that places the sperm either closer to the cervix for a boy (deep penetration) and further away from the cervix for a girl (shallow penetration.)  This will again give the advantage to the gender that you prefer.

The second is timing your conception to correspond with ovulation, based on which gender you want.  For a girl, you should have intercourse three days before you ovulate.  For a boy, you should wait until the day of or the day after.

Again, there are modern tools that make this much easier.  Ovulation predictors (either urine of saliva) can take much of the guess work out of this process.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.

If you want a girl baby, check out /

If you want a boy baby, check out /