What Happens During Week 12 and Week 13 of Pregnancy?As a mother, you want to be aware of what happens to your baby every now and then. Your curiosity is much more intense especially when you feel his movements and hear his heart beating in time with yours. From the start of your pregnancy, you want to be updated of his most recent developments since knowing the transformations your baby undergoes give you the joy and satisfaction unparalleled. The first trimester has been said to be the most crucial stage of pregnancy. Here the growth of every vital organ, systems and bodily parts occur simultaneously and rapidly. The pregnant mother would be left out guessing and wondering if she does not know what occurs inside her womb. Tracking your pregnancy week by week is essential in working out for your baby’s healthy growth. At the end of the first trimester, the mother remains to be more curious and interested as movements become more felt. Mothers who are 12 weeks pregnant feel do not exactly know how to describe the joy they feel knowing that their baby is on for the second stage. While you are 12 weeks pregnant, the baby has grown in two-inch mark since week ten. Your baby’s eyes are moving closer to slowly reach their right position. The most remarkable organs during this week are the kidneys which begin to excrete urine while nerve cells begin to multiply at an excellent rate. The baby’s brain structure may stay the same but reflex movement’s transmission increase. The best thing about the 12th week is that the fear of miscarriage has subsided. This means that the baby was able to survive the critical stages of development and is now beginning to stabilize his position in the uterus. Moreover, this is a week to feel relieved from the hassles of pregnancy like morning sickness, nausea, and tiredness. You are now more positively drawn to welcome week 13. Pregnancy week 13 is the beginning of the second trimester. Your baby is now ¾ of an ounce and has grown to be three inches long. Tiny as he may seem, your baby has already completed significant body parts like the arms, legs, the head and the torso. Unlike during the first trimester, your baby’s head would not look disproportionately big for his body. One more good news during this week is that your baby’s liver is now capable of producing the hormone which helps regulate blood sugar also known as insulin. The mother may find this pregnancy week 13 as more evident in her body. The uterus becomes larger. Unlikely effects of uterus expansion is not only on the physical aspect but also internal. Mothers will feel mild cramps and some tolerable pain as the body expands with the uterus size. Most women also experience the round ligament pain which is totally alarming but harmless. A sharp stabbing pain alongside the abdomen is referred to as the round ligament pain. Relive yourself by relaxing and resting for a moment. Painful and uncomfortable as it may seem week 12 and 13 are nothing more than an achievement. This means you and your baby are working harmoniously for the success of your pregnancy. Week 12 and Week 13 mark the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second trimester. Many changes will occur as the baby inside your womb continues to grow at a rapid rate. |