How To Increase Your Odds Of Getting A Baby Girl Or A Baby Boy

I often write about naturally choosing your baby's gender.  I'm often asked "what are the odds of getting the gender you want, and how can you increase them?"  Nature is designed to level the playing field.  If you just leave everything to chance, you have roughly 50 / 50 odds (although this will differ slightly for each woman depending upon your natural acidity).  However, there are some easy, natural, and inexpensive things that you can do that can greatly increase these odds. I'll tell you what you need to do in this article.

Understanding The Odds Of Getting A Boy Or A Girl Baby:Nature has designed gender selection to be pretty equal by giving the sperm chromosomes that will produce both a girl or a boy baby separate characteristics. The sperm that will produce a girl (X) are extremely strong.  It takes much longer for them to weaken and deteriorate, but they are comparatively slow.

In contrast, the sperm that will produce a boy (Y) is very fast, but is also very weak.  It doesn't take long for these sperm to start breaking down.  However, in an equal race to the egg, they will usually win. (If you want a girl, your job is to ensure this race never happens. If you want a boy, you want to ensure that it does. I'll explain this more below.)

So, knowing this, you can do certain things to take advantage of the cards that nature has dealt. Here's how.

Increasing Your Chances Of Having A Girl Or A Boy Through Conception Timing:Many people know that timing your conception efforts to coincide with your most fertile days can hep you to get pregnant more quickly.  But, different days during this fertility window will be more likely to produce one gender over another.

If you want a girl, you should hit the front end of this window (about three days before you ovulate).  This will ensure that the boy sperm have made their grand exit before conception goes down.

If you want a boy, you should hit the late end of your window, shooting for the day of ovulation (or the day after at the latest). This will ensure the fast boy sperm are healthy and ready to race.

It's important that you don't guess here. Find an ovulation prediction method that works and use it until you get pregnant.  (I like the saliva ones.)

How Sexual / Intercourse Positions Can Influence Your Baby's Gender:Speaking of the race to the egg, if you want to increase the odds of your chosen gender making it to the egg first, you can influence this by the sexual positions that you use to conceive.  Placing sperm close to the cervix (deeper penetration) will favor having a boy, while placing it further away (more shallow) will favor having a girl.

How Your PH / Acidity Can Increase The Odds For A Boy Or Girl Baby:In the beginning of this article, I mentioned that your acidity will slightly affect the odds of having a daughter or a son, even if you did nothing else.  Women who have a higher PH have a greater chance of getting a girl, while those will a lower PH will have a better chance of having a boy.  The reason for this is that a high acidity will deteriorate boy sperm much more quickly, while leaving the girl sperm unaffected.

So, if you want a girl, you'll need to raise your acidity.  For a boy, you'll need to lower it.  This job is made much easier if you use testing strips that can tell you exactly where you fall. This way, you won't need to guess or hope or just assume.  And, you can continue to monitor your progress as you make the changes meant to get you the gender you want.

To change your PH, you can use either a special diet or a special douche, or both. (Using both usually yields faster and more dramatic results.) Many people assume that this process is difficult, but it doesn't have to be.  There are recipes for both foods and douches that can make the process pretty fool proof, (although you should know that old fashioned formulas like vinegar / baking soda and water aren't enough for most).

To really increase your odds (and it's said that it can be as high as around 94%), you'll need to address all of these variables.  It doesn't make sense to focus on timing and positions only to let your PH fall through the cracks and lower your overall chances.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.

If you want a girl baby, check out /

If you want a boy baby, check out