Information, Facts, And Tips For Conceiving A Girl

If you've found this article, I have to assume that conceiving a girl is on your short list of goals or priorities.  Many people fear they won't be able to achieve this either because boys run in their family or because it's just too hard to control all of the different variables needed to greatly increase what are already 50 / 50 odds.  In this article, I'll show you that conceiving a girl is really not all that hard, especially if you have the proper tools to make the job easier.

Conceiving A Girl Can Sometimes Be Easier Than Conceiving A Boy:Many people don't believe me when I say this, but for some couples, it's easier to get a girl baby than a boy one.  The reason for this is that the sperm that produce a female are much more virile than those that produce a male.  To put it another way, these female sperm can live for longer while waiting for the egg in the reproductive tract. While boy producing sperm would start to deteriorate and weaken, the female variety are still hanging in there. This gives you a little bit of an advantage, but to counteract this, getting a girl can require more precise timing.  Here's why.

Getting A Girl Baby Requires A Bit Of Pre Planning:Since the daughter producing sperm are so hardy, you want to exploit this to expose male sperm to the environment that will deteriorate and weaken them.  You can do this by conceiving 3 days before you ovulate.  This is where pre planning comes into play.

If you wanted a boy, you could basically just use various methods to tell you when you've ovulated and have intercourse (and hopefully conceive) then.  That's not the case if you're dreaming of a pink nursery.  Instead, you'll need to have intercourse before your egg is actually released.  So, just guesstimating the magical day is not usually going to work as well as you need it to.  Find a reliable method of predicting ovulation and use it vigorously.  (I believe saliva predictors excel here because they can signal small changes to warn you that ovulate is coming.)

Trying To Conceive A Girl Baby When Boys Run In Your Family:One of the most common questions I'm asked is: "how can I conceive a girl in a family that produces boys?" Very often in this case, the women in the family have a naturally low PH, which is more prone to producing boys.  So, to break this cycle and get a girl, you'll need to greatly raise your acidity and PH to one that is more acidic.

You can test this theory out for yourself by testing yourself with PH testing strips. This will tell you what you need to know about where you fall.  If you see that you are low, don't be discouraged.  Just take the appropriate steps to change things.  You can raise acidity by douching (usually more than vinegar and water) or by eating a diet composed of highly acidic foods.  Both methods will achieve this faster than using one alone. Again, this may seem difficult, but it really isn't.  Once you know your number, you can monitor as you try different things until you reach your optimal level.  There are diet lists and douche recipes available to make this easier.

Sexual Positions That Will Increase Your Chances Of Conceiving A Girl Baby:The final piece of the puzzle is intercourse positions.  For a girl baby, you'll need to place the sperm a good distance from the egg so that the boy sperm will, once again, be exposed to what will weaken it. For most, these are positions that ensure shallow penetration.

The whole idea is that, step by step, you expose the boy sperm's weaknesses by conceiving early, raising your PH, and using the positions that will take full advantage of all of these things. Yes, this gives the girl sperm a very unfair advantage, but this is the whole idea.

Conceive A Girl is a website I put together to offer step by step instructions, hints, tips, and resources for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. You'll find resources for douche recipes and food lists, as well as ovulation predictors and PH test strips. Take a look if you like at /