Medela Freestyle Breast Pump - A Favorite Choice Among The Nursing Moms

If you are one of those mothers who are not keen on feeding formula milk, and would like to feed breast milk instead to the baby, you are on the lookout for a electrical breast pump that can be handled easily as well as one that is not too heavy, then you can easily choose the Medela Freestyle Breast Pump. The Medela Freestyle breastpump can efficiently do the job on its own, leaving your hands totally free. In fact, the very reason why it is named a 'Freestyle breast pump' is because of the fact that the mother does not have to hold the pump while it is working.

Research shows that, a baby while suckling from his/her mother's breast, does so in a two phase method, rather than a single suckling process. As the first step, the baby starts to suckle at the mother's breast really fast and heavy, and this is an indication to the mother that it is time for the feeding. Once the baby starts getting the milk, he or she slows down the pace of suckling and starts sucking deeply.

The initial phase in this is referred to as the Stimulation Phase'. To begin with, the Medela breast pump starts pumping really vigorously to make the mother's body understand that she should release the milk now. In the second phase, which is termed as the 'Expression Phase', the Medela Freestyle breastpump lowers the rhythm for easy and gentler milk expression.

In the Freestyle breast pump, you will find many great features that include a LCD screen that displays the current mode, the speed, and various other information that is related to the process, and a BPA-free procedure. The LCD panel has been installed in such a way that it can also serve as a night light during milk expression in the dark. The memory panel of the pump can be used to store the settings for future use.

The portability and the lightweight nature of this pump make it very convenient indeed for nursing mothers. The stylish carry bag can carry a lot of stuff that include the pump itself, two 'Softfit' breast shield bodies, two membranes, two back caps, support belt with extensions, replacement adopters, two small and two large straps, Bra Adaptors (universal replacement type), a couple of hook and eye replacement Bra Adapters, four 5 oz milk containers, one rechargeable battery with 3-hour working load, charger, power cord, cooling element, lids etc.

This pump is a boon for working mothers, as it allows them the freedom to feed the baby breast milk, and not resort to formula milk instead. Experts the world over agree that breast milk is indeed best for the baby, and thus, by using the Freestyle breast pump, the baby can get the required nourishment. This allows the working mother to go back to work and do so without a guilt.

This is what makes the Medela Freestyle Breast Pump such a great product.