Stomach Ache Prevention Using Home Remedies

Stomach Ache an every body minor or major problems effecting persons, it doesn’t matter what age or gender, once it gets to person the pain severe in the middle part of the body and the only thing you can do is relax and breath normally.

The caused of stomach ache is eating junk food, too much spicy, not eating fresh food such as fruits, vegetables or too many preservatives in modern food. As long the stomach ache doesn’t affect the appendixes it would be safe to use home remedies for treatments.

Overeating by the food is too delicious and eating too fast can caused a stomach ache, to overcome this, must eat slowly and chew the food until it is digestible to your intestines, the upset stomach can be taken care of.

Rules apply for persons not to each large quantity size, must eat small sizeable and slowly.

Many home remedies can be used as treatments, as can be guided as follow:

- Lemon tea with honey and ginger juice can provide immediate relief from an upset stomach.

- Onion Juice - When the pain is due to indigestion, a good remedy is onion juice mixed with black pepper and honey.

- Ginger Juice - If you have stomach ache with diarrhea, you can try applying ginger juice directly onto the abdominal area, and particularly to the belly button. Ginger is a very effective herb, and helps in the general functioning of the stomach. Ginger aids greatly in the digestive process: you can eat a few chunks of fresh ginger before each meal, or make the ginger up into a tea in order for it to work quickly.

- Water - Drinking large amounts of water is a good natural remedy for curing and preventing stomach ache. This aids proper bowel movement, thereby avoiding the chances of getting stomach problems.

- Yogurt aids the digestion of food, so try to eat this daily.

- Dissolving ground cinnamon in warm water creates a drink that will help to reduce flatulence or diarrhea.

- Chamomile and peppermint
These two herbs are great natural remedies for the cure of stomach ache. They work with each other in order to ease a distressed stomach, and to stop stomach spasms. - Green Vegetables - Leafy or green vegetables also ensure an easy bowel movement. It is a good idea to avoid caffeine, smoking, spicy food and alcohol in order to ensure good health.