Pregnant Women - Some Must Know Facts

Pregnant Women - Some Must Know Facts

It is always good to know about the health of your reproductive system and getting pregnancy basics, before you plan a child. The feeling of having a human life grow within you is something you will wonder about everyday and enjoy every single moment of it. Whether you're dreaming of motherhood, trying to conceive or already pregnant, you've come to the right place.

When a couple has finally decided that they really like to have a baby, and they have accepted the changes that will happen, another discussion must take place. It is also important that you do not just plunge into having a baby without discussing it, and discussing it again, with your partner.

Female sperm swim slower but live longer. If you are trying for a girl, having sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation and abstaining afterwards may increase your chances. If you have a tipped uterus, you may have better luck having intercourse from behind (hands and knees position). By having intercourse in this position it allows the sperm better access to the cervix.

Morning sickness usually occurs in the early period of pregnancy, in the first three months. It is very popular among women, as almost 80% of them have nausea and puke in the morning. There are occasions when a pregnant mother may have to be put on intravenous fluids or given medication. The truth is while nausea is one of the early signs of pregnancy and labeled "morning sickness" it may not strike a pregnant woman just in the mornings.

There may be a number of reasons why a woman gets depressed. Hormone changes or a stressful life event, such as a death in the family, can cause chemical changes in the brain that lead to depression. When to Call the Doctor: When you are pregnant you should not hesitate to call your doctor or midwife is something is bothering or worrying you. Sometimes physical changes can be signs of a problem.

Pregnant women who suffer from nausea can usually tolerate eating small snacks. Iron intake needs to double during the last six months of pregnancy. Smells, certain foods and other things may cause nausea in a pregnant woman at any time during her pregnancy.

In general, women can choose to deliver at a hospital, birth center or at home. Nowadays, most hospitals and birth centers offer birthing classes like Lamaze and breastfeeding support. A woman is considered to be in labour when she begins experiencing regular uterine contractions, accompanied by changes of her cervix - primarily effacement and dilation.

Wanting to get back in shape is a good thing but remember not to rush your body. You have to take extra care of yourself because your baby depends on you now. Learn to appreciate the joys of motherhood and just give shaping up some time. It is important to be realistic about weight loss after pregnancy. It took 9 months to gain the weight so you should not expect to lose it overnight.

It is common for teenage mothers to have had poor preconception health, particularly if the pregnancy was unintended. Teenage mothers may have had an inadequate diet (eg., including insufficient folate which prevents some birth defects) or have exposed her unborn child to alcohol, drugs (including prescription medications), tobacco smoke or other hazards like heavy metals or chemicals. Some pregnant teenagers are so shocked and frightened that they try to cope by ignoring or denying the pregnancy. This means they don’t receive proper antenatal care or miss the safest window of opportunity for abortion.

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