Conceiving A Baby Girl: Stategies, Techiques, Methods And Tips To Successfully Get Pregnant With A Baby GirlIf you've found this article, then you're probably approaching a couple of scenarios. You probably are trying to get pregnant (or least want to in the future). I suspect you're pretty sure you want (or are dead set on) a girl baby but aren't quite sure about how to go about it. This article will tell you exactly which tools and techniques you will need to use to make your dreams of a daughter a firm reality. Understanding What It Takes When Conceiving ABaby Girl:With all things being equal, you have about a 50 / 50 shot of either getting a girl or boy baby. That's because nature took great care to make things fair for both sides. The sperm chromosomes that will give you a boy are lightning fast, giving them the speed advantage. But, those that will put a pink nursery in your future are strong as an ox. So, this balances things out quite a bit. Luckily though, you can tweak what mother nature gave you to change things up a bit. The Time In Your Cycle That Favors Conceiving A Girl (When, Exactly?):Since the sperm that produces girl babies is hardy, it can wait in your vaginal tract much longer than those that would produce a son. Therefore, you can have intercourse earlier in your cycle and stack your odds of success. This early planning is too much idle time for the wimpier boy sperm. So, when is the optimal time, exactly, to conceive a girl? About three days before your egg is released for fertilization. Chose an ovulation prediction method that is very accurate (I like saliva predictors), because if you are off, the whole plan is pretty much left to chance. More Important Things To Do When Conceiving A Girl:Timing your ovulation when you want a girl is very important, but it's not the only thing you need to do. You'll also need to make your vaginal tract a gate keeper to the boy sperm. In simple terms, you'll need to make your vaginal PH and acidity sky high. Why? Because the boy sperm can't take this. As we've already discussed, they are pretty weak, and they can be made even weaker. You do this by using douches or by eating a high PH diet. Another way to improve your chances of conceiving a girl is by the intercourse positions that you use to conceive. Because the girl sperm last for a long time, you'll be fine using shallow penetration. In fact, this is preferable, because again, the boy sperm won't last in this environment. Tools That Make Conceiving A Girl A Bit Easier:Like any recipe for success, you need the right tools. Knowing the exact day to conceive your daughter is easier if you have a reliable way to predict when this will happen. I much prefer ovulation predictors as they not only tell you when your perfect day has already happened, they give you a good deal of warning as to when it's approaching. Another important tool in your arsenal can be PH strips that can test your acidity. These will help you determine how close to the optimum day you actually are and you can then tweak your regimen for the best results, which you can see first hand by continuing to use the strips. Conceive A Girl is a website I put together to offer step by step instructions, and hints, tips, and resources for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. You'll find resources for douche recipes and food lists, as well as ovulation predictors and PH test strips. Take a look if you like at / |