Tricks To Get Pregnant With A Girl Baby

If you've found this article, then I have to assume that you're trying to conceive a baby girl. You probably already know that the sperm chromosomes that would produce a girl or a boy baby have very different characteristics. You can use these differences to your advantage to manipulate the timing of your conception, the mother to be's acidity and PH, and the intercourse positions you use to greatly increase your odds of choosing your baby's gender. This article will give you detailed tricks, methods and tools to help you understand the easy, inexpensive and all natural ways to get a girl or female baby.

Trick Number One: Manipulate The Timing Of Your Conception To Greatly Increase Your Odds Of Having A Girl:The chromosomes that produce baby girls are much hardier, stronger, and longer lasting than those that will produce baby boys.  They can hang around in the reproductive tract and wait for up to four days.  So, you want to conceive early – before ovulation (up to four days before). The boy sperm will not be able to survive this long wait.

This seems easy enough and it is, but the one thing that is vital to making this work is knowing and anticipating exactly when you ovulate.  I know that many women like to use the basal temperature or cervical music methods. In my opinion though, these are not accurate enough. They leave too much room for error and misinterpretation.

I much prefer saliva ovulation predictors as they don't require first morning urine, are inexpensive, extremely accurate, and can be reused throughout the day to show you even small changes to tip off ovulation.

Trick Number Two: The Sexual / Intercourse Positions To Help You Get A Daughter Or Female Baby:Most people know that different sexual positions can favor having one gender over another, but it's important to understand why this is so.  Since the boy sperm are weak and short lived, you want to place them as far away from the egg and cervix as you possibly can.  The girl sperm will live long enough to make this trip, but the boy sperm won't.  For most people, this is shallow penetration.  However depending on height, weight, and other factors of you and your spouse, some positions will achieve this better than others. Experiment with what works best before you actually start trying for a daughter.

Trick Number Three: (And Probably The Most Important) Achieving A High Enough PH / Acidity To Get A Girl Baby:OK, so I've covered two pieces of the conception puzzle, but there is a third that is very important.  Boy sperm can not tolerate or survive a high vaginal acidity/ PH.  The environment is just too hostile, although girl sperm can get by just fine.

You can raise your PH a couple of ways. The first is through a special diet that includes highly acidic foods and avoids alkaline foods.  Yes, this will be a bit like being on a restrictive, weight loss diet, but it will be worth it in the end. The second way to raise acidity is by douching with specific solutions (often more than vinegar and water is required).  Using both of these methods together is the most effective, quick way to get the required PH.  However, you can have success using only your diet if you oppose douching.  You'll just need a bit of patience.

But, how do you know how acidic you are right now? You use vaginal PH testing strips. You can get these online or in health food stores and they will tell you exactly whether you are naturally acidic or alkaline and by how much.  Once you know this number, you can seek out very specific douche recipes and foods based on where you fell on the scale (and how far you need to go).  You can also use this testing to monitor your progress so you'll know exactly when you are ready to conceive your female baby.

I've put together a website that takes a lot of the guess work out of conceiving a girl . You'll find resources for the food lists, specialty douche recipes, saliva ovulation predictors, and PH testing strips discussed in this article. Have a look if you like at /