Labor Pain Relief & Acupressure - Looking at Natural RemediesChildbirth is maybe the one of the most amazing things that will happen to a woman in her lifetime. But why does it have to hurt! The truth of the matter is, and I would guess this is the same for majority of women, labor pains do hurt. The more advanced the labor, the greater the pain. There's nothing that we can do about it, only put our trust in medicine and hope for the best.
Aromatherapy. Most women love being massaged by nice smelling oils. If carried out by a professional during labor, this can be very relaxing. Active birth. You will attend classes before the birth that will teach you breathing exercises and certain positions that can be used to ease labor pain during childbirth. Acupressure, This method has been used by millions of women for thousands of years! In Asia and surrounding area's women swear by this method of labor pain relief. Why haven't we heard of this before? Because it's only just starting to be recognised as a serious contender against our medical drugs. It's only now that women of the western world are starting to put trust in alternative natural remedies for a multitude of everyday problems. Acupressure can be easily mastered by your birth partner and put into practice in childbirth. Certain pressure points on your body, if manipulated correctly can cause the release of a natural human painkiller. Acupressure can also be used by women who's baby's are overdue to naturally induce labor. To find out more about using acupresse for labor pain, join me - Julie at : Or to find out about acupressure to induce labor: |