How Can a Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor Help Me Get Pregnant?

If you've been eagerly anticipating the conception of your first child, you may be starting to feel frustrated if things aren't happening as quickly as you'd like. If you are an older woman, it can be scary to think that your biological clock is ticking and time may be running out.

Doctors generally say that if you're under 35, you should try to have a baby for at least 12 months before considering yourself to be struggling with infertility. For women over 35, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor if you've been trying to have a baby for 6 months, and still no results.

However, many women who consider using an ovulation detector, like the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor, aren't struggling with infertility at all. They may have irregular periods, and thus find it hard to tell when they are ovulating, or they may be working a job where it would be more convenient to have the baby during a certain time of year - for example, teachers may want to be home with the baby during summer vacation. Real Estate agents may want the baby to be born during the time of year when their business is slowest.

Whatever your situation, it can give you a lot of confidence to know that you are timing your intercourse at the right time of the month, when your fertility is highest.

Using a Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor can help you know when you're ovulating so you can be sure your intercourse is timed correctly to maximize your chance for conception each month.

The Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor is a simple system to use, the monitor tracks everything for you, so you don't have to worry about charting. Please visit my website to learn more, or to purchase Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitors.