The Easiest, Most Effective, And Reliable Ways To Conceive A Girl

The methods for conceiving a girl are pretty well known and at first glance seem pretty simple: time conception to occur before ovulation; use intercourse positions that favor having a baby girl; and create an acidic and hostile environment (high PH) that will break down and minimize the numbers and strength of the boy sperm. These methods seem pretty straightforward, but they can leave a lot of room for error if you don't completely understand them or have the tools to achieve them correctly. This article will discuss natural, inexpensive, accurate, and reliable ways and methods you can use to make the process of conceiving a girl much easier.

Know Exactly When You Ovulate Without Relying On A Calendar Or Guessing:Since the sperm that produces a baby girl can survive much longer (up to four days) than the sperm that will produce a boy, you should conceive 3 days before you ovulate and then stop trying.

But, how do you know when you ovulate? There are a couple of natural methods that are often encouraged (basal temperature charts and interpreting your cervical mucus) but these leave so much room for error. Being even slightly off in your estimation as to when you ovulate can mean the difference between a son or a daughter.

And, you can't just assume that you ovulate mid way through your cycle or on day 14, (for a 28 -30 day cycle) even if you have a regular period. (I am very regular and I found I ovulate on day 20!) A more accurate and easy way to know when you should conceive is by using an ovulation predictor kit. Of these, I prefer saliva ovulation predictors as you aren't forced to use first morning urine. They are inexpensive, reusable, and you can test any time you wish. Using a saliva predictor,  you can see even small changes to tip you off that ovulation is coming. Doing this will allow you to anticipate your ovulation down the road with total accuracy so can plan when is the best time to conceive your daughter.

Use Sexual Positions That Favor Conceiving A Girl:It's pretty common knowledge that different intercourse positions will favor getting a boy or a girl, but do you know why? It's because the boy sperm are weak and are quick to die off (although they are also faster), so if you want a girl, you want to use positions that place the sperm far away from the egg and the cervix. This gives those little guys a long, hard trip.

Most couples who want a baby girl assume this is the missionary position and it can be for many people, but, depending upon the height of you and your partner and other considerations, there may be better options for your specific situation, such as the spooning position or others. Don't be afraid to experiment before you actually try for real.

Creating A High Enough PH / A Hostile Environment To Conceive A Girl:It's pretty well known that a high PH / acidic vaginal environment favors conceiving a baby girl because the boy sperm just can not survive in this harsh environment for very long.

You can get this high PH by eating acidic foods (and avoiding alkaline ones) and by douching with specific solutions. Using both methods will help you achieve this goal much faster, but you can get a "girl friendly PH" just using foods if you're willing to be diligent about it and can have a bit more patience.

But how do you know if you have a high enough PH to conceive a girl or how far you need to go to get there? You use PH vaginal testing strips. This will tell you your exact PH and will ensure that you know when you've obtained your optimal reading and are ready to conceive a female baby. You can get these at health food stores or online. They also allow you to monitor your douching and acidic diet efforts so you can know when you should stop and start trying to conceive.

If your reading shows that you are naturally alkaline, you'll have to work a bit harder (and boys may run in your family) but by no means is getting a pink nursery impossible. Countless people have done it and you can too.

I hope this article has shown you that with the right tools, it can be quite easy to get the daughter you want. I've put together a website that takes a lot of the guess work out of conceiving a girl . You'll find resources for the food lists, specialty douche recipes, saliva ovulation predictors, and PH testing strips discussed in this article. Have a look if you like at /