How to Make Sure Your Next Baby Is a Girl

I believe there are so many of you out there struggling hard to have at least one girl in your family. I was once struggling so hard to have a girl in my family. Now I have five boys and the only girl I have is my youngest child. To have a baby girl, my recommendations are below for you to try.

X-sperm represents a female. The characteristics of a female sperm are unique:

-Bigger in size
-Passive and slow
-Long life
-Can survive in an acidic environment

By understanding those characteristics, it will be easier for you to plan for your next move. Since the female sperm is a slow swimmer but can live longer in a woman's body, it is very crucial for the man to deposit his sperms as far as possible from the egg. This will allow the male sperms to die along the way. For your information, a male sperm is also known as a sprinter, but unfortunately the life span is very short. This scenario will definitely give an advantage to the female sperms to take their sweet time to swim toward the egg.

One more important factor that you must know is a female sperm can live in an acidic environment but not the male sperm. So again, you must take advantage on it. Eat food that will turn your body very acidic. This will kill the male sperms. Some examples of acidic food that you can eat are the type of foods that contain high magnesium and a lot of green, like spinach. Also reduce your calorie intake to less than 2000 per day.