If you are desperately wanting a daughter, you may be wondering if altering the foods you eat could help and whether there is a special diet to have a baby girl. Our diets have a huge impact on all aspects of our health and vitality and can form an important part of a system to help you influence the gender of your child.
There are many factors which sway the odds of having a child of a particular gender and many experts believe that it is only by following a multifaceted system that you can be sure of an increased success rate. This is because when added together, all the smaller aspects we have control over can really make a difference. Therefore, you will need to look at areas such as the timing of intercourse, the positions you have intercourse in and the overall pH levels of your body (the acid/alkaline balance).
Of course, because what we eat is so important, it is vital to eat a balanced diet, not taking any advice to extremes. You need to ensure that both you and your unborn baby-to-be are getting enough essential nutrients. So, although there is a recommended diet to have a baby girl, ensure you eat a good mix of other "neutral" foods which will not sway the odds in favor of having a boy.
To conceive a baby girl, the types of foods you must eat are acidic-forming in nature and these include:-
* Dairy products
* Leafy green vegetables
* Chocolate
* Apples
* Grapefruit
* Fish
If you would like to see tried-and-tested, all-encompassing methods which will help you to conceive a girl baby, there is an excellent guide which is based on scientific rather than anecdotal principles. It includes all the information you need to successfully choose your baby's gender and has been proven to be 95% accurate.
To see this fully guaranteed, comprehensive risk-free method please visit Choose Baby's Gender . This method includes details of the perfect diet to have a baby girl.