Natural Therapies to Ease Joint Pain

Do you crawl out of bed every morning with a stiff, aching back, your knees creaking and painful sore joints? Does pain slow you down? If so, then this article is just for you.

Here's a few simple techniques you can add into your daily routine that can save a lot of wear and tear on your joints and ligaments as well as reduce your pain.

1. Gently stretch every morning. Massage sore, stiff muscles to help stimulate localized blood circulation to help get you moving again and significantly reduce cartilage damage.

2. Improve posture by wearing compressive thermal back supports to ensure correct spinal alignment. Also, try tokeep both feet on the ground whenever you sit down.Crossing your legs can impede your blood circulation and pull your back out of alignment.

3. Use thermal far infrared therapy whenever your arthritis flares. Far infrared therapy clothes contain safe, effective bio-ceramic compounds that naturally reduce swelling and improve circulation for soothing pain relief which makes them an ideal choice to ease joint.

4. Take regular gentle exercise using compressive thermal joint supports to avoid strain and minimize joint wear and tear.

5. When working at your computer use compressive wrist bands and therapy gloves to help keep your wrists straight to prevent compression of soft tissues, such as tendons, nerves, and blood vessels, in your forearms. Reduced blood flow to your wrists and fingers can increase inflammation and carpal tunnel pressure in your wrists leading to painful nerve damage. Physiotherapists recommend resting the palms of your hands, instead of your wrists, on your work surface to further reduce the risk of injury.

6. Take frequent breaks form typing, writing or other repetitive movements and perform some gentle stretching movements to help strengthen your hands and improve flexibility.

7. Apply gentle massage, flexion exercises and thermal therapy. The combination of soothing warmth and light exercise, requiring complex movement of the wrist and hand, is an effective and low-cost way of rehabilitating the hand and wrist after injury or surgery. This will also help keep your wrists and hands flexible with good blood circulation if you have arthritis or other painful problems.

8. Prevent injury and strain by warming-up properly before exercise and wear compressive thermal supports to ensure optimum joint flexibility.