Can You Really Choose Gender Of Your Baby?

Gender selection is always a controversial subject, in terms of genetic therapy and the ethics of selecting the sex of your baby. While there certainly have been advances in the field of genetics, there are in fact several natural and completely ethical methods which you can work out to choose gender of your baby.

There are a few techniques which can significantly increase your probability of conceiving the gender of your choice. Remember, the most essential thing is to have a healthy baby, no matter what their gender is. But if you do want to try to pick the gender of your child, it is possible.

Differences in Sperm
The sperm that carry the Y gene are the "boy" sperms, while the ones which transport the X gene are the "girl" sperms. The Y sperm are faster, smaller, more active but they do not last as long as the "girl" sperm. The X sperm are larger and move quite slowly. In addition to their overall speed, they have different preferences in terms of the acidity of the vagina and cervix. An X sperm does better in an acidic environment while the Y sperm prefer an alkaline environment.

How These Differences Affect Conception
Now that we have established the differences between the sperm that carry different chromosomes, it is imperative to know how these differences can be used for natural gender selection. Once you gain this information, you can start trying to conceive a child which will be a specific gender you prefer.

If you want to have a boy, the timing is important. Since these sperm do not live long, it is essential to calculate your intercourse as carefully to ovulation as possible. This gives the Y sperm time to arrive at the egg before the X sperm do, increasing the likelihood that you will have a boy.

If you want to have a girl, you need to provide the X sperm plenty of time to reach the egg. Since they live longer, this means that you want to time intercourse a few days ahead of anticipated ovulation. By the time you ovulate, the Y sperm will have already died off, leaving only the X sperm behind. They will have prentty of time to travel up through the cervix to reach the egg and fertilize it.