How to Increase the Chances of Conceiving a Boy

If you are wondering how to increase the chances of conceiving a boy, you may be pleased to learn that there are a number of simple steps you can take which can vastly improve the odds in your favor.

If being honest, the majority of couples when questioned would like there to be a balance in their families-a natural mix of both boys and girls, but very few people actually do anything proactive to help and end up leaving such an important matter to chance. Although many couples are quite happy to do this and enjoy the anticipation of wondering what sex their new child will be, there are others who feel a deep-rooted need to take whatever steps they can to increase the chances of conceiving a boy and there is really nothing wrong with giving nature a hand!

Up until the last few years, the average family was much larger than it is today and it was usual to have 4 or more children. When this was the case, the chances of having children of just one gender was fairly small and there was naturally an excellent chance of having a balanced "mix". However, the average family is much smaller now and this gives a higher probability of having either all male or all children. As families these days generally do not want to go on having more and more children just to achieve the required balance, it is all the more important to them to sway the odds.

During the conception process, the male sperm determines the gender of the baby as the ovum is neither male or female. The male sperm are much faster at swimming than female sperm and they are smaller and more lithe. In addition, they survive for a shorter time than female sperm. Male sperm also prefer an alkaline environment. Using this scientific information to your advantage, it is entirely possible to improve the chances of having a boy.

If you have intercourse as near to ovulation as possible (this is where an ovulation kit can come in useful!) the fast male sperm can swim to the ovum first, leaving the slower female sperm behind. Providing the egg is ready and waiting, there should be a higher proportion of male sperm there. Having intercourse a couple of days before ovulation decreases your chances of conceiving a boy as this will have allowed the female sperm to also reach the egg and be ready and waiting to fertilize it upon release. Additionally, a large proportion of the male sperm may have already perished as they do not survive for as long as their female counterparts.

The contrasting ph levels within the vagina are also important to bear in mind. The area near to the cervix is alkaline whereas the area near to the entrance of the vagina is naturally acidic. This means that if you have deeper penetrative intercourse where ejaculation take place near to the cervix, male sperm are more likely to thrive.

The internet reveals many natural ways to increase the chances of conceiving a boy. However, if these are followed in a haphazard way, they offer no guarantee of giving you the baby boy you would so love to have. However, if a systematic approach is used which combines all of the best tried and tested methods, this will undoubtedly give you the best chance of conceiving a boy.

It is important that you do not feel guilty. The feelings you have are totally natural and in no way detract from the love you already feel for your daughter or daughters. They simply come from a deep-rooted need to balance your family and most people prefer to have tried everything possible to influence conception towards having a child of the gender of their choice rather than thinking "what if" in years to come.

To claim your free newsletter giving hints and tips about natural gender selection and to see details of a tried and tested, 3 step comprehensive risk-free method of how to have a baby boy, which has proven to be 95% accurate, please visit How To Have A Baby Boy The principles are scientific rather than anecdotal. The book outlines the exact $450 gender clinic douche recipe which you can put together yourself and will give you precise dietary information and the details of theonlydays you should be having intercourse on and which positions you should be using to increase the chances of conceiving a boy.