How to Conceive a Son - Ways To Have a Baby Boy

Choosing the gender of your child can be a rather controversial topic and can be pretty much a taboo subject, with many believing that we should be "grateful for what we get"! However, many couples, if being honest would admit that they would prefer a balanced family, which has a mix of boys and girls.

If you would like to know how to conceive a son, there are a few simple steps which can help. For those wanting to have a baby boy, knowing about the characteristics of sperm is a good starting point.

Firstly, male sperm is fast-moving and smaller than the slower-moving female sperm. However, it has a fairly short lifespan. It thrives better in alkaline conditions.

Knowing this, lets use it to our advantage.

Having intercourse at the time of ovulation can greatly improve your chances to conceive a son. This means that the fast male sperm will effectively "win the race" to the newly released egg. You should avoid intercourse for a few days before ovulation as this could result in the slower moving, longer surviving female sperm "hanging around" and available to fertilize the egg when it is released. Obviously to take advantage of this knowledge, you need to ensure that you know exactly when ovulation will take place, so using ovulation prediction kits really come into their own at this stage. In addition, the alkaline conditions favored by the male sperm are present near the cervix, so having positions which result in deeper penetration for orgasm can be beneficial to have a baby boy.

Eating alkaline foods can help you to conceive a son. These include many seeds and grains, green leafy vegetables. Avoid meats and dairy products.

If you would like to see tried-and-tested methods which guarantee to show you how to conceive a son, please visit How To Pick Your Baby's Gender . This guide gives clear and easy ways to ensure that you have a baby boy naturally.