IVF costs explained

IVF or Intra Vitro Fertilisation is the process by which an embryo is made to develop outside the woman’s womb and then it is transferred into the womb. IVF includes processes like retrieval of the eggs from the ovary, choosing the most suitable ones for reproduction, then coupling them with the sperm and letting it develop in a controlled environment. After that the chosen embryo are placed back into the womb of the woman where it develops and after the stipulated gestation period is over, a child is delivered. The various stages of IVF involve extreme caution and acute monitoring. This makes it an expensive form of treatment. IVF cost varies from clinic to clinic and is also dependant on the level and nature of expertise required. IVF cost also increases with increase in the age of the expectant woman. Also the cost vastly differs in different countries.

?id=43&treatmentid=10" IVF cost is dependent on external factors like the number of cycles of treatment that will be needed, the level of medication, the number of medicines that have to be administered and the rate of success. The total cost also includes other extraneous expenditures like consultation fees every time an appointment is made and other the cost of additional medicines. This means that IVF costs will not be the same for two women. This all means that if one is opting for options like low cost IVF then one should make sure that this allegedly low expense does not mean that poorer quality of treatment is meted out to the patient. Sometimes agencies employ methods like retrieval of many women on the same day irrespective of the cycle. This can lead of poor development of the embryo. Moreover, when agencies talk of IVF cost being 100%returnable in most cases this fails to happen. The amount refundable is generally a percentage of the total cost and also varies with the age of the patient.

IVF cost also increases with the age of the woman because with increase in age, complications arise and therefore, the kind of treatment also changes. With increase in age the chances of achieving fertilisation with one’s own egg also diminish. In such cases donor’s are contacted which adds to the cost of the treatment. Increased multiple embryo transfer is also common in cases of more age which again adds to the cost. For example, the average cost of an ?id=43&treatmentid=10" IVF treatment in the United States for a woman under 35 is around $ 33,784 and the cost of treatment for a woman over 44 is around $ 1,250,000. Again the cost of IVF treatment in developing nations is much less compared to that of developed nations. For example, the projected cost of one cycle of treatment in the United Sates is $10000 and IVF cost for the same cycle in India is approximately $3500.

IVF cost also greatly varies with the standard of the treatment center. Good canters guarantee higher rates of success and are more reliable.