Tips on Food & Penetration style on How to Have a baby boy !

Do you know there are a few proven techniques onhow to have a baby boywhich had been used by many other couples? You too can apply the exact methods they have been using if you know the secrets they are having. In fact, you will be surprise to know that all the techniques are 100 percent natural. You will not need to consume any pills or arrange any appointments with a doctor.

Well, controlling the PH level of the vagina is the first step that they have been doing. This is very important because one of their secrets on how to have a baby boy is to create an alkaline condition for the Y sperms to stay alive longer.

But first, we need to know that the sperms are divided into two different types. It consists of X and Y. In simple terms, if you want to conceive a baby boy, the Y sperm must be the one to fertilize the egg. Where else, you need the X sperm to reach the egg first in order to have a girl.

Thus, your job is to let the Y boy to reach the egg first. However, we must know that the Y sperms are very weak, and they can die off very easily. What we can do is to create the best environment for the Y sperms to survive longer.

Some Scientific researches have shown that the Y sperm can live longer in an alkaline environment. Thus, we need to know how to create such an environment. One of the best ways on how to have a baby boy is eating the correct foods for diet gender selection. You should eat more portion of the alkaline foods like eggplants, cauliflowers, apples. They are all very good sources of elements to raise the PH level in the vagina.

One more techniques on conceiving a baby boy is to have a deep penetration. The man will be able to deposit the sperms near to the egg using this style. Why it is so effective? Well, basically, you are now shortening the path for the Y sperm to reach the egg. Moreover, they will not have to swim from the vagina entrance which is usually more acidic.

There are other secret baby gender selection tips that you will be surprise to find out. Read more information on trying to conceive a boy at: How to Have a Baby Boy