Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy - What You Must Know To Protect Your Offspring

Having an /?Ovarian-Cyst-During-Pregnancy---What-You-Need-to-Know-to-Protect-Your-Child&id=3348009" ovarian cysts during pregnancy is a scary proposition. The pain and sickness it can create is bad, but more than that are the possible tragic effects this might have on your baby especially if it twists or ruptures. Premature birth and miscarriage are two of of the most dangerous possibilities that might result if a cyst does become too big or ruptures and so you should be rightly looking for a way to decrease the size of your cyst and protect your unborn child.

Putting your attention on the worries however is senseless so instead you should concentrate on what might be causing cyst growth and how you can safely eliminate these problems so the body can recover. Take a little time to read on some of the information below for your own awareness.

Hormonal Imbalance

The chief cause of ovarian cysts is an specific hormonal imbalance with estrogen and progesterone being the main ones that if not balanced will result to a cyst and the growth of ovarian cysts. There are a number of factors that lead to this imbalance but the two main causes are: stress and nutrition.

Malnutrition from eating processed foods or high GI foods will cause a shoot up in your blood sugar level which further results to spikes your insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that turns blood sugar into energy for the body to use but it also has a negative outcome to disrupt your hormones when your body excessive amounts of it.

Stress is another cause that produces hormones that will interfere, block and destabilize your hormone levels too. The hormone being considered is called cortisol and is something you don't want to have in excess for a long period of time.

What to do about an Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy

Clearly you need to balance out your hormones! You will need to work on those two things above and the first one you should be looking at is your diet because that is what you can control. Buy less preserved foods and choose more fruits and vegetables and less meat and you will see an obvious improvement in your health and the size of your cyst. This, however, is not an overnight process. You must be a little patient because you will appreciate the good result in the end.

Stress may be a more challenging one to deal with but it is possible. Learn ways to decrease stress and keep away from stressful activities for the well being of both you and your child.

To find out how I did these things during my pregnancy to shrink a cyst the size of a baseball (and growing) click below to look at my site and read my story as I think it may help you too.