Know The Very Early Pregnancy Signs

Are you really pregnant? For some women, they experience the early symptoms of pregnancy even in the first few days of conception. This; however, may not be the situation for different women. The  only way to find out whether you are pregnant or not is by taking a pregnancy test. It's time to consider a pregnancy test once you start feeling some of these very early pregnancy signs.

You miss your period. Missing your period, especially if you're used to a normal cycle, can be an obvious indication that you are pregnant.

Your breasts swell. If you have been trying to conceive, one of the very early pregnancy signs to watch out for is the swelling of your breasts. As early as the second week of conception, hormonal changes can cause your breasts to feel tender. A tingling and sore sensation may also be experienced. Some even feel their breasts getting heavier and fuller.

You always feel tired. Fatigue may also be experienced as one of the pregnancy first  symptoms.  During the early stage of pregnancy, your level or progesterone will soar. The high dose of this hormone can put you to sleep. This gets even aggravated when your blood sugar level and blood pressure begin to lower down while blood productions goes up.

You experience cramping pains and bleeding. Also one of the common pregnancy first symptoms is bleeding and cramping. Implantation bleeding happens when a fertilized egg is attached to the lining of your uterus between the tenth and the fourteenth day after fertilization. Some women confuse implantation bleeding for their menstrual period. Note that implantation bleeding comes a bit earlier and is lighter in color as compared to your period. It also does not last long enough. Abdominal cramping may also be experienced by some women. These cramps feel almost the same as your menstrual cramps.

Nausea. Some women only feel nauseous. Others experience nausea along with vomiting. More often than not, this symptom attacks at any time of the day or night but is most evident in the morning. Some women feel like vomiting in the morning when they take in food with an empty stomach. This feeling of queasiness can begin as early as the second week after conception. Pregnant women also develop a heightened sense of smell causing them to be sensitive to certain aromas. Some women feel dizzy and nauseous when they smell cigarette smoke, perfume, food and and the like.

You crave for certain foods. Most women crave for certain food during the first trimester of their pregnancy. This, again, is caused by the hormonal changes that the body experiences. When you're pregnant, you might find yourself dreading your usual favorites and you will be surprised to crave for recipes which you used to hate.

Other very early pregnancy signs include headaches, constipation, mood swings, dizziness or faintness and warmer basal temperature to name a few. If you experience some of these pregnancy first symptoms, talk it over with your partner and get a confirmation by conducting a pregnancy test. Again, the most accurate and the highly advised pregnancy test to take is the blood examination.