The Miracle of Multiple Births

Carrying more than one fetus to full term is termed as multiple births. There could be many reasons like hereditary, race, previous history of pregnancy with multiple births, infertility treatments which may be responsible for multiple births.

Types Of Multiple Births

  • Monozygotic (Identical Twins) - when a single fertilized egg, divides into two separate halves, identical babies are formed. They are genetically identical with same chromosomes.

  • Dizygotic (Fraternal Twins) - when two different sperms, fertilize two eggs babies unlike each other in characteristics are formed. These types of twin births are more common.

    ‘Super Twins’ is a term used for high order births like triplets, quadruplets. They can be identical or fraternal but such births are rare.

    Risks Involved With Multiple Births

  • Premature birth is the biggest risk involved with multiple birth pregnancy, which increases the chances of high order births.
  • Premature babies have a higher risk of developing infections and face other health challenges.
  • Other than premature births, medical conditions like gestational diabetes, placental problems also develop as a result of multiple pregnancies.

    Keeping Healthy During Multiple Pregnancy

  • Get proper pre-natal care. Look for health experts who have experience with multiple births.
  • Eat properly, get enough rest.

    Nutrition With Multiple Pregnancies

  • Mothers expectant with multiples need 1600-2000 milligrams of calcium per day. So diet high in calcium should be provided.
  • Taking folic acid a month before conceiving, and 3 months after reduces the chances of neural tube defects.
  • Your protein requirement also increases with multiple pregnancies.
  • With multiple pregnancy anemia is very common, therefore iron supplements are also recommended.
  • Apart from taking supplements, take foods rich in vitamin C such as yogurt, orange juice along with your meal, this enhances iron absorption.
  • Demands of other nutrients such as zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, and copper also increase, due to multiple fetuses.

    Getting Ready

  • Have your friends, family, and your doctors around you to reassure and encourage you.
  • Discuss the possibility of a c-section and a vaginal delivery with your doctor.
  • You could hire a doula. They offer help to the mother during birth and take care of the baby and other household chores after delivery.

    In case of multiple births vaginal delivery may not be possible, as the birth canal may be crowded. So chances of a c-section are quite high. Be prepared.

    The initial first few days and months may be very stressful. So get as much help as you can. The journey of multiple births is quite a handful so enjoy this miracle.