Sinus Infection Home Remedies

Let me summarize here a wide range of sinus infection home remedies and give the best natural cures for sinus infection. Inflammation of the sinuses, sinus infection, sinus congestion, sinus pain, sinus pressure and blocked sinuses are common and often recurring problem for some people.

Let's see my collection of the most effective and safe external and internal sinus home remedies:

The best and may be the most simple natural cure for sinus infection is the old folk medicine:


Mix 1-2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water and gulp the mixture at once. Use it 3-4 times a day for 4-6 days. Improvement occurs often in 1 hour, latest in 1 day. If you don't notice any ease of the sinus infection after 2 days, stop taking the remedy.

Another simple possibility is opening the Apple Cider Vinegar bottle and just inhale (through your nose) the vapour coming out of it. It is able to open up the sinus passages immediately. Don't overuse it, the acidic vapour may damage the mucus membrane.

Most of the people desire warm onto the congested sinus area. You may use a hot-water bottle, an infrared lamp, a warm flannel or simple blow warm air from a hair-drier.


To encourage drainage of mucus apply hot compresses or poultices to your sinuses. They are really old home remedies used by our grandmothers for sinus infection. You may use different aromatic oils (e.g.eucalyptus oil) in hot water, but the best natural cures are using GINGER (Zingiber officinalis) or black MUSTARD (Brassica nigra). Both stimulate the circulation strongly and help decongest stuffy nasal passages.


Steam inhalation is an excellent natural cure to relieve sinus congestion and painful sinus pressure. It thins the mucus so that it can be expelled.

If you are interested in more details about the treatment of sinus infections, Click Here!