Infertility Cures - Discover 9 Sure Sign Ways to Know When You're Ovulating

Once you have made the decision to have a baby, all your sexual encounters can revolve around knowing when you ovulate. Knowing when you ovulate is crucial when having difficulty getting pregnant and can be one of the most important infertility cures.

There are plenty of ways you can monitor your ovulation cycle at home so your chance of conceiving will dramatically increase.

#1 - Know The Changes In Your Cervical MucusWhen you are about to ovulate each month, your cervical fluid will change in consistency. Throughout the month your cervical mucus will appear creamy or thick or possibly you will be quite dry with no discharge what so ever. Once ovulation approaches, the mucus will become watery thin to raw egg white consistency and will become more abundant.

#2 - Use An Ovulation Predictor TestA common way to observe when ovulation is occurring is using an Ovulation Predictor Test otherwise known as OPK Tests. Everyday, a week before suspected ovulation, you place your urine on a test stick which has 2 prominent lines. Follow the instructions of the kit and when the desired line is darker, it is an indication of an There is a surge of Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This is the hormone which send signs for the egg's release from your ovary right before ovulation.

#3 - Breast Awareness And TendernessAround ovulation, breast can feel heavier, more sensitive or tender. This is due to your bodies hormones getting prepared for the possibility of pregnancy.

#4 - Body Basal Temperature ChartsA most popular way of detecting when your ovulation occurs is by charting your bodies basal temperature. Your temperature will rise due to progesterone which always increases right after ovulation. When keeping regular charting results, after a few months you will know when ovulation is going to occur.

#5 - Definite Rise In Your LibidoWithin nature, when it is mating season, animals sexual desire increases so the continuation of their species is guaranteed. Us humans are no different. When your body is ready to procreate, your sexual desire increases. If your noticing your "in the mood" more so at specific times of the month, great, take advantage and enjoy!

#6 - Get Familiar With Your Cervical PositionIf you are comfortable with your body, checking your cervical position throughout the month can be an indicator when ovulation is occuring. Just as cervical mucus changes, your cervical position will shift to a higher position, feel more soft and open to the touch.

#7 - Use A Microscope To Observe Saliva FerningIf you enjoyed science class this method might be right for you. Using a microscope to observe your ferning pattern, which means your saliva looks like individual snow flakes, will indicate when your body's LH has increased.

#8 - Count Days With An Ovulation CalendarIf you are experiencing a regular cycle each month, this is a very simple way to keep track of ovulation. Simply count 14 days before your period starts and keep track of this on a calendar.

#9 - Lower Abdominal Pain or DiscomfortIf you are sensitive to your body throughout the month you may find you can feel ovulatory activity. Symptoms include sharp to mild pain, dull aching on the right side of your lower abdomen.

Fertility offers a narrow window of opportunity so it is very important you know when you are ovulating. If you experience irregular periods and ovulation cycles, rest assured there are plenty of natural infertility cures which can help regulate your hormonal balance.

Specific foods, self-induced massage and powerful herbs in combination have all been used successfully by many couples trying to conceive.