Want To Conceive A Girl? Here's What You Should KnowIf you're wanting a little princess or daddy's girl, there are a couple of things you should know that will help you increase the odds of conceiving a baby girl. This article will discuss manipulating ovulation, vaginal PH and acidity, and conception / intercourse positioning to achieve this goal. Unique X (Girl) Sperm Characteristics:You should know that during conception, a man's sperms contains two differing types of chromosomes: X (girl) and Y (boy). If sperm containing the Y chromosome manage to beat every one else and fertilize the egg first, then a baby boy is conceived. If the X sperm is able to merge with the egg first, then a little girl is in your future. Simple enough so far, but each chromosome has it's different characteristics and personalities. The X (girl sperm) are extremely strong. They can live in the vaginal tract for days under harsh and acidic conditions, but they are slower than their male counterparts. If all things were equal, it's more likely that the Y (boy) sperm would fertilize the egg first, but your job is to make sure that all things are not equal. You need to create the optimal environment for those X sperm to arrive first. Here are the three variables you must be able to control: Conceive Well Before Ovulation And Stop Trying As It Approaches:Most people try the all out attack approach when trying to conceive. They basically get a decent idea of when the woman is ovulating and then they try to conceive as much as they possibly can in that window. This is a great way to conceive if you are neutral on your baby's gender, but if you're wanting a baby girl, then you should conceive three days prior to ovulation and stop there. Why? Because the girl sperm are hardy enough to wait for the egg, but the boy sperm are not. The girl sperm are slow, so our criteria is to allow time for most of the boy sperm to die off. We know they are faster, so we don't want a race with them when they're fresh and new. The closer to ovulation you try to conceive, the more boys are favored. Accurately Timing Ovulation Is Vital To Conceive A Girl:It's probably obvious that you need to know your day of ovulation well before it's going to happen and you need to be right. There's no room for error because if you are wrong and conceive too early, none of the sperm will be viable when you ovulate. But, if you wait too late, and conceive close to the actual day of ovulation, you'll have many very speedy, healthy boy sperm all too happy to fertilize the egg first. There are many ways that women predict their ovulation, but most require subjective, and often difficult, evaluation of the body that can be very unreliable and prone to error. The cervical positioning and mucus method has a lot of room for mistakes, as does the basal temperature method. So, I much prefer ovulation predictor kits (saliva variety). These are reusable, accurate, and leave no room for doubt. You Need A Highly Acidic Vaginal PH To Conceive A Daughter:Remember that the girl sperm are very hardy and can survive harsh environments but the boy sperm can't. Therefore, it's very important that you create an acidic (hostile) environment. This way even if you're slightly off on your timing, the environment will help to take care of the rest. How To Get An Acidic PH:In order to get your PH more acidic, you should test your acidity before you try to conceive. You can easily do this using PH testing strips. Some people are naturally acidic and some are naturally alkaline. No matter where you fall, you'll need to change this until you're in the "girl zone." How can you change your vaginal PH / acidity? Through douching and through eating and avoiding certain foods. The douching method is extremely effective because you can complete it right before you attempt to conceive and customize it based on your PH reading and how much you need to change. Gender selection clinics sell these customized douche solutions for a lot of money, but there are decent recipes that you can make and customize at home. When I say recipes I don't mean vinegar or baking soda and water. These solutions are not usually strong enough and they aren't individualized. I understand some people don't want to douche. You can change your PH solely with foods, but to do so you'll need to very diligent. It's almost like being on a restrictive diet for a while, but it's worth it because you'll get a lifetime pay off. I used both methods to change my vaginal acidity and I was able to see drastic changes (that worked) in only about a month. Finally, I know there are supplements out there that claim they can change your acidity. I do not recommend them. Not only is it well known that obtaining nutrients from actual foods is much more effective than pills, the ingredients in these supplements can alter your sex hormones and therefore your ovulation. You can't afford to have swinging ovulation when you need to conceive on a very precise schedule. Intercourse Positioning When Wanting A Girl Baby:Although sexual and intercourse positions are only a small piece of the puzzle, they are an important one. To conceive a female baby, you should deposit sperm as far away from the cervix as possible so that the boy sperm have a long way to travel in a harsh environment. For most people, this is shallow penetration, but again the plan should be individual for each couple. Conceive A Girl is a website that offers hints, resources for the customized douche and food recipes mentioned in this article, tips, and methods for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. Visit us at / |