How to Get Rid of Acne Fast - A Proven Method

If you want to learn how to get rid of acne fast you must learn how to stop making it worse! Below are 3 simple tips teaching you how to avoid making your acne problem worse. Without further ado, let's go to the solutions!

First, try not to touch your face with your hands often during the day. You probably don't realize but you do that a lot and every time some bacteria jumps from your dirty hands to your precious face and taaa daaa, we have a countdown on an acne breakout. Wash your hands as much as possible using a mild soap and warm water. Try to remember, avoid hand contact with your face as much as possible or you'll spread you acne even more.

If you want to know how to get rid of acne fast then listen here as this is a very important tip: Do not scrub too hard! By scrubbing your face too hard you just provoke an irritation which leads to blemishes. Be gentle when cleaning your face. Try using soft facial cleaners. You might not know this but your pillowcase could be a root problem for acne. Dirt, bacteria, oil, grease - all these collect on your pillowcase because you sweat during the night. Change the pillowcases every few days to greatly diminish the chance of an acne breakout.

How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast Using Egg Yolks

Egg yolk contains vitamin A, which does wonders to your skin. Most acne products on the market contain Retinol, which is a known form of Vitamin A. Generally, experts recommend that you take ~1000 mg of Vitamin A every day as it helps your skin greatly.

Now back to the egg yolk. This might sound gross or scary but it does the job! Read below how you can prepare an egg yolk mask to get rid of your acne as fast and as painless as possible. Have the yolk separated from the rest of the egg then using a fork mix the yolk and add two tsp of water. Apply the resulting paste on your face using a sponge. Leave it for 10 minutes then wash it off with warm water and a dry clean towel. Attention: Do not use this homemade acne treatment if you're allergic to eggs.

You can also always use a natural acne cure to clear you skin.

Natural treatments have been proven to be a lot more effective to cure acne . Besides, they are relatively cheap and readily available and the risk of side effects are very minimal.To get a complete list of guides on how to cure acne then go visit our website now ==>