Pcos And Its Effect On Infertility

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, also known as PCOS, is one of the most common causes of female infertility. This syndrome overproduces insulin, to which the female body responds by producing too much male hormones. This puts women at risk of diabetes due to being resistant to insulin.

There are follicles that develop in the ovaries during the woman's menstrual cycle. Each follicle contains an egg. As the cycle continues, a follicle produces the egg by the time of ovulation. Ovulation happens when the follicles rupture and release the egg through the rising of LH levels. PCOS, however, impairs the hormone release needed for this to happen, so follicles fail to release the eggs. Most times, these follicles turn into cysts. Near the ovary, PCOS would look like a string of pearls near the ovary. This string is made up of undeveloped follicles. The ovaries will then look like it is covered with small cysts. Progesterone, the hormone that thickens the uterine walls, is not released due to no occurrence of ovulation.

Two of the symptoms of PCOS is irregularity of period – even total absence of it. As the woman ages, symptoms may worsen. But irregularity of period doesn't automatically mean the woman has PCOS. Around 10% of childbearing-age women have PCOS. Most of them are even unaware they have it. Only 25% of women who have PCOS were diagnosed and know of it. There are those who were able to get pregnant even if they had irregular periods. Type-2 diabetes, acne, and pelvic pain are three more symptoms of PCOS. These symptoms can vary from woman to woman. Some women may only have an irregular cycle as their symptom.

By messing up the ovulation process, PCOS causes infertility. There are a lot of solutions for it, and they're not really hard to find. One good tip is to lose weight. Exercise balances the hormones that PCOS messes up. There's also Metformin for better insulin absorption. Metformin acts on insulin levels and not blood sugar, so they can be used by non-diabetic women.  Clomid is another fertility drug commonly used against PCOS. Clomid blocks the brain's estrogen receptors. This is so the brain thinks the estrogen levels are low. This triggers the production of FSH and LH which promotes ovulation. While Clomid is very effective in helping women ovulate, they get pregnant only about 40% of the time. You can increase the success rate with in vitro fertilization or maturation. In vitro maturation is a process where eggs are harvested early. They mature outside of the female body. In vitro fertilization, on the other hand, is a process where mature eggs are harvested. Fertilization occurs outside the female body, but the egg is implanted to the uterus after being fertilized. IVF often involves drugs for encouraging ovulation. IVM is good for women who do not respond to the drugs.