Pregnancy Week 37 and Week 38

Women across the world, who are37 weeks pregnant,have begun making preparations for delivery. Planning for their babies to arrive is in the forefront of their minds. The natural process of getting things in order, for the newest arrival to the family has taken a center stage. At this time though, mother and child are continuing to develop and change as the big day gets closer. If you are37 weeks pregnant, you will notice some new occurrences in your own body. Each woman will experience pregnancy differently, but a number of things are common to this period. At this time your cervix will begin to soften as your body prepares for the process of labor. You may have even felt some contractions.

Braxton Hicks contractions usually precede the real contractions. These are natural painful pangs that women at this stage experience. Women, who are37 weeks pregnant, need to familiarize themselves with this stage of pregnancy. Since many things will change quickly, it’s important to know what to expect.

Some of the signs that pregnancy is near are things like spotting or even the breaking of water. Being aware of your body’s changes could be especially crucial now. Spotting, although not unusual, must be monitored. If it becomes extreme, quickly inform your doctor. And if a woman’s water breaks, she could potentially have only hours before her baby’s arrival. Getting to the hospital could be paramount.

Women, who are37 weeks pregnant, are carrying babies who have changed a lot in this trimester. The baby is now able to practice sucking, turning, and breathing, all while inside the womb. This unborn child has officially reached the milestone of being a full term baby. He or she could be anywhere near 6.5 pounds.

If you are38 weeks pregnant, you are truly coming to the end of your third trimester. It is possible to go into labor any day now, and anticipation is probably high. Moms are now experiencing even more sensitivity in their breasts, which may have begun to leak. Purchasing bra pads can help if this is the case.

Some expectant mothers who are38 weeks pregnanteven begin to dilate early. A mucus plug, that has been blocking the cervix, will now start to thin. Once it is completely worn away, it is followed by the breaking of water. This is a time to be particularly watchful at each visit to the bathroom.

Those women who are38 weeks pregnantwill find that they are having contractions periodically. This is another area of alert, since false labor is sometimes the case. Women need to time these contractions just to be sure they aren’t the real thing.

Babies at this phase of pregnancy could be as long as 19 - 20 inches. Their intestines have begun to fill with their first bowel movement post delivery. As anxious as the mother is to get done with the process, so too is her little one. Patience is the key now, since there’s not much longer to go!