How To Induce Labor Using Acupressure

Induce labor with acupressure? When you think of being induced you always picture something unpleasant with powerful drugs. But if you have to induce then using labor acupressure is the best and nicest way.

But acupressure is not just for inducing labor. It is a magnificent technique for relieving contraction pains, for relieving back pain, for relaxation, for calming and for nausea and vomiting.

Acupressure to induce labor is an ancient technique which has been used for thousands of years in the East. The West has been studying it for decades now too and the World Health organisation (WHO) and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) have proven it to be safe.

Acupressure to induce labor is used more than you imagine and is a well acclaimed practice used by many pregnancy professionals and mothers.

Acupressure points for inducing labor help the cervix dilate, speed up slow early labor, help your baby to move down, and stimulate labor contractions.

Labor induction within 48 hours in 83% of women using labor acupressure; that’s pretty remarkable. In some cases it has even been shown to induce labor within 25 minutes! And even science has proven labor acupressure to be valuable.

You can massage the acupressure points yourself or get your partner or someone else to do it.

It's not expensive and you can download it straight away. It is very comprehensive and covers everything you need to know.

It comprises 25 techniques and 52 pages of clear step-by-step instructions, photos, and charts that you will not find anywhere else.

Locating and treating the labor acupressure points are described step-by-step, and demonstrated with plenty of photographs.

It shows you how to;

1) Start labor naturally at home
2) Turn a posterior baby
3) Get effective labor pain relief
4) Calm anxiety and nervousness
5) Remove tensions and relax
6) Stop nausea and vomiting
7) Strengthen contractions
8) Dilate better

Plus it gives you;

- 7 acupressure techniques that create a pleasant anaesthetizing effect on contraction pains - WITHOUT medication
- the incredible acupressure points that help your cervix dilate and drastically decrease your chances of a Cesarean delivery
- techniques to stimulate onset of labor contractions to start and to strengthen contractions during labor when required

Prime your body for labor and delivery by using these labor acupressure techniques.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to induce labor naturally at home, then I highly recommend this book.

To ensure your birth is safe, natural and with no medical intervention, use acupressure to induce labor and also for pain relief and relaxation. Gain the power to induce labor naturally and easily by yourself and have a normal childbirth experience.

Click below to get your copy of "Maternity Acupressure".