How about clicking pictures of stages of your pregnancy? Sounds wonderful! And it’s just not for making albums to cherish memories. It’s also to divert your attention from the nasty pregnancy symptoms. Whenever you feel nausea, grab your camera, call your hubby, and begin a photo shoot!


My Picture of Stages Of Pregnancy


This is what Catherine has to say about her pregnancy album – “It’s been a year since my baby was born. Yet, the memories of my pregnancy are fresh in my album picture of stages of pregnancy. Whenever I get the time, I take out the album from the closet and start flipping the pages. The first picture reminds me of that day when my doctor had confirmed my pregnancy. I broke the news to my hubby and he had gone crazy with happiness! He lifted me in my arms and this was when Sarah, my friend who was present at home at that moment, clicked a picture of us. This picture still sends me in raptures every time I see it!”


Look what Kate has to say about clicking picture of stages of pregnancy – “Clicking pictures has always been my hobby. So, when my hubby gifted me a digital camera on my birthday, I used my gift extensively during all the stages of my pregnancy! Guess what? I kept my pictures a secret, until I delivered my baby. And later, when I unveiled the album in front of my husband, he was dumbstruck with joy! We had a good time together seeing pictures of big belly; picture of my awkward face when I was suffering from morning sickness, picture of me trying to fit into clothes for which I was too big. It was fun!”


And here’s Angela. She is repenting for not having clicked any picture of stages of pregnancy. “It never struck me to click pictures! And now I am missing an album full of pregnancy memories. Well, I have learnt a lesson the hard way now! I will make it a point to click pictures during my next pregnancy!”


Flaunt Your Big Belly


There was a time when women used to hide themselves in oversized clothes to conceal their big bellies. Not any more! Today, it’s a trend to showoff that big belly for which you have worked so hard! And if you don’t want to, at least click a picture and include it in your album. Feel the delight that creeps into you when you see a picture of your pregnant days after many years. It’s an entirely different kind of joy that grips you. Would you want to miss this joy? Certainly not!


So, where’s your camera? Start clicking picture of stages of pregnancy. Stick them in colorful albums and keep them in a special place in your living room. You would want to share the joy and fun of your pregnancy days with your family and friends for many years to come.