The Most Fertile Days - When Am I Most Fertile?

How many times have you asked yourself: “ when are my most fertile daysor when am I most fertile ”, but felt overwhelmed and confused by the amount of information and advice? Reading this, you may fear, may just prove the point; nevertheless, spending a fortune on ovulation test kits.

To get pregnant and having healthy pregnancy, simply, requires preparation. In today’s world we are all bombarded by a “must have” approach including aggressive advertising and a huge media influence. This has an enormous effect on the way we perceive life and, ultimately, on our well being. Advice on fertility, including pregnancy, is no differen

Now, let’s get to the core.

To be most fertile is to know what to look for in your body and acknowledge imminent changes - to pinpoint your ovulation.

Ovulation occurs 14 days before your period begins. So, if you have 28 day cycle, then you can expect to ovulate on day 14 like the average woman. But, if your periods are only 25 days apart, you’re going you ovulate around day 11, so having sex on days 13 and 14 will be too late.

On the other hand, if you have longer periods (say 34 days), you won’t even ovulate until day 20, so all that sperm from day 14 and 15 will be long gone by the time is needed.

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, be sure to study your periods; figure out when you actually do ovulate and then make sure that you get busy during the right time of the month. For some people, it’s that easy!

Of course, it’s not always that easy to get pregnant, especially if you have irregular periods. Menstrual cycles that are way off the scale of normal usually indicate an underlining fertility issue such as lack of regular ovulation.

If you follow this crucial advice you will be making a real, true effort to learn about your body and discover your most fertile days .

Do you face a problem getting pregnant? Do you have fertility problems or do you just want to ensure that it's safe for you to become pregnant?