How to Find Relief for Heartburn during Pregnancy

Heartburn is a common problem for many pregnant women.  It tends to mostly occur in early pregnancy, although some women suffer from it for most of their term.Heartburn during pregnancyoccurs when progesterone is released into a woman’s system when she becomes pregnant.  Progesterone makes the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus- also known as the cardiac sphincter muscle- relax.  When this muscle relaxes, it becomes easier for food and gastric acid to flow backwards and partway up the esophagus.  The esophagus lining is burned by the stomach acid, and that is the painful sensation of heartburn that you feel in the middle of your chest.

As the pregnancy progresses and the baby grows larger, the stomach is somewhat displaced. As the uterus grows, it presses on the cardiac sphincter muscle, allowing food and gastric acid back into the esophagus almost constantly. That is why some women seem to experiencepregnancy heartburnfor the duration of their term.

Fortunately,heartburn during pregnancyis easily treated.  Just keep in mind that you can’t necessarily use all of the remedies you might normally when you aren’t pregnant.  That being said, it’s fine to use a mild antacid like Tums or Mylanta to treat the heartburn.  Otherwise, it’s best to change a few critical habits that can contribute topregnancy heartburn.Eat several smaller meals every day, rather than having three big ones.  Avoid spicy and greasy foods, and foods that create more gastric acid, like tomatoes and peppers.

Certain foods actually help the cardiac sphincter muscle relax, so try to avoid them as well.  These include alcohol, garlic, peppermint and chocolate.  Make sure you have completed your last meal at least two hours before bedtime, and don’t lie down right after eating, since this can cause gastric acid to go back up the esophagus. When it’s time to sleep, prop your head up on an extra pillow or two, so the stomach stays lower than the esophagus.

A good home remedy for combatingheartburn during pregnancyis to simply eat some yogurt or drink a glass of milk.  Alternatively, you can mix a tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm milk for another simple, effective remedy.

Of course, it is best if you can stoppregnancy heartburnbefore it ever starts.  You want to make sure you are as healthy as possible before becoming pregnant, so choose a good prenatal vitamin and mineral formula.  Focus on eating healthy, unprocessed foods, and avoid sugar and grease as much as possible.  If you already know which foods are likely to causeheartburn during pregnancy, and then be extra sure to avoid them.  Drinking plenty of water and getting regular exercise are also important to your overall health.

Pregnancy heartburncan be very unpleasant, but fortunately, you have a number of alternatives in treating it.  If you must take an antacid, stick with something mild and natural, and focus on modifying those actions and habits that may contribute to it.