Height Increase Injections - Human Growth Hormone For Height Increase

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HGH - also know as Human Growth Hormone - is a protein based poly-peptide hormone that stimulates growth and cell reproduction/generation in the human body. HGH is produced by a small structure at the base of the brain known as the pituitary gland. Levels of HGH are highest during early childhood and peak during puberty. This is why human growth hormone is being used clinically to treat childhood growth disorders and problems by trained professionals.Height Increase Injections

Human Growth Hormone levels slowly decline throughout adult life sometimes causing the following

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Age associated illnesses

It has been rumored that supplementing human growth hormone can help healthy adults grow taller and also slow the ageing process, however most of this information has no evidence which strongly enough suggests that these rumors are true. There are quite a few "so called" treatments on the market which claim to boost natural levels of HGH or supplement these levels with synthesized HGH such as oral spray and HGH releasers. Again there is no evidence to suggest these treatments work to increase height or to combat any damage caused by the aging process. The only way to administer HGH correctly is by injection, which are incredibly expensive and even with injections, no height differences have ever been shown to occur in adults, only adolescent children. /?040710" Height Increase Injections

This is not to say that supplementing HGH via injections under the strict guidance of a medical professional won't be beneficial. Research shown that injections of HGH can have the following effects in adults.

  • Increased bone density
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased exercise capacity

However it has been demonstrated a increase in muscle mass is not directly correlated to increasing strength. Strength training is actually viewed in comparison to HGH as a cheaper alternative.

Because of these apparent benefits, human growth hormone has been abused for some time within the sports world as an anabolic agent.

Clinical studies have shown that if used during childhood there is a mild increase in the risk of colon and prostate cancer.

HGH, if abused as an adult has more serious side effects:

  • Swelling in the arms and legs
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Enlargement of the breast tissue in males

Side effects which generally show up in the fifth decade of life include

  • Pituitary tumor
  • Insulin resistance
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Impaired vision
  • Reduced sexual function

It is quite clear if human growth hormone is used correctly by doctors it can have benefits and in enhance the quality of sick people's lives, but the side effects which result from the abuse and excess in HGH can lead to severe and life threatening problems, not to mention illnesses which are irreversible. Added to that, the increased unsupervised usage of HGH products because of the rampant unsubstantiated claims of its ability to increase the height of adults that have already gone through their natural growth process, and HGH can actually be a much more dangerous drug than originally thought. /?040710" Height Increase Injections