Natural gender selection-Natural way to choose the gender of your next baby

Gender selection is a touchy subject with some people agreeing with it and some saying that gender selection is like messing with nature.

The truth is though that if you want to get pregant with a baby girl or want to conceive a baby then you will do anything possible to have the baby of your choice.

So is there a natural way to choose the gender of your next baby ? The answer is yes.

Lots of things determine the sex of your baby, such as your diet, your lifestyle, sexual positions etc.

You must have heard the phrase "you are what you eat" well this is true when trying to conceive a baby girl or trying to conceive a baby boy. Certain foods increase the boy genes in a mans sperm and others increase the girl genes.

Sexual positions play a major part in choosing the gender of your next baby. This is because the sperm with the male genes is a stronger swimmer than the other one.

So with a combination of all of the above it is possible to swing the odds heavily into your favour.

This is not to say if you follow a natural gender selection that you are guaranteed the baby of your choice. But it will go from 50-50 to 85-15 in your favour.

How do I know this, because my lovely wife followed the guide and had the baby girl she had wanted for 10 years. Now it could have been just luck but the fact that we four boys already tells me there was a little more than luck involved. So when people say is natural gender selection possible, I say definatley yes, or at least I think so.