How To Conceive

How To Conceive

Once you have made the exhilarating decision to have children, you want to be able to get pregnant as soon as possible!  Not all women conceive without difficulty and swiftly, but if you follow some of these tips and tricks about how to conceive, you will be able to increase your likelyhood of conceiving sooner than you might think is possible.

How to Conceive – Nutrition Tips:

*Folic Acid– start taking folic acid right away.  Folic acid reduces the possibility of you giving birth to a baby with a neural tube defect (such as spina bifida) by up to 70%.  If you are in the situation to plan ahead about your pregnancy, start taking at least 0.4mg folic acid on a daily basis before you start trying to get pregnant.
*Time for a coffee break! – If you drink coffee, or caffeine based energy drinks (such as Red Bull or V) and you are trying to get pregnant, you should take a break, or switch to decaf.  Caffeine has been linked to preventing the growth of a developing baby by reducing blood flow to the womb during pregnancy.  Studies have indicated that large amounts of caffeine contribute to fertility problems, so taking a caffeine break will not only mean that you are raising a healthier baby, it also means that you are increasing your fertility and chances of getting pregnant
*Cigarettes and wine– avoiding tobacco and alcohol while you are trying to  get pregnant is a super good idea.  Not only can refraining from indulging in these substances boost your fertility, but when you do become pregnant you will know for sure that you haven't exposed your new baby to any detrimental substances during the first days of conception (some of the most significant phases of embryonic development occur before you can even conclusively tell that you are pregnant).

How to Conceive – Sex Tips:

*Keep Sex Fun– you and your partner should concentrate on keeping sex enjoyable while you are trying to get pregnant.  Research suggests that when sex for pregnancy starts to feel like a routine, you reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant, and you are also more likely to avoid sex.  You can spice things up and keep sex fun by: having sex in different rooms, having sex at unusual times of day, role-play and dressing up, watching sexy movies together.
*Let Gravity Do Its Thing– don't rush to the bathroom right after intercourse.  Lie down for at least five minutes to give the sperm more opportunity to reach the ovum.  Some experts believe that lifting up your lower-body can help with getting pregnant, and there are even case studies that show that women who stand on their head after sex can get pregnent more readily than those who don't.
*Timing is everything– You are at your absolute most fertile for the 12 hours after you ovulate.  However, not everyone is able to pinpoint exact ovulation time, so at the very least you should be ensuring that you are having intercourise as often as you can during the five or so days that lead up to ovulation.  Some experts believe that if you have intercours at least once every 48 hours during your fertile period, you will be exposing your egg to fresh sperm – all the better for conception.
*Orgasms are the best medicine– If you are looking for a way to relax while you are trying to conceive, there is no way more natural than having an orgasm.  Studies suggest that an orgasm is far more relaxing (22 times more relaxing) than taking chemical tranquilisers!

How to Conceive –Mindset Tips:

*It's a numbers game– even when you follow all of the advice about how to conceive and you are doing everything right, you still only have somewhere between a 25% and 30% of actually conceiving (each time that you ovulate), so don't panic if you don't get pregnant from the first attempt.  Research shows that only about 25% of all couples trying to conceive will actually get pregnant during their first month of trying.