Baby Kicking? - Things That Might Worry You During Pregnancy

Women in general feel their baby kicking in different ways. Many women wonder themselves how will they know when their baby's kicking is noticeable. A baby kicking should feel like tumbling motion or nervous twitches. In your early pregnancy it may be a little difficult to notice whether your baby's kicks are for real or not.

By the end of the second trimester as your baby grows, you may start to feel his kicks going stronger and more frequent. And also keep in mind that babies have a tendency for moving more at particular times of the day as they alternate between cycles of sleep and wakes.

In the last few hours you noticed that your baby does not move as much or not moving at all? You noticed that your baby's kicking does not happen so often as it used to? Has today been so busy and you have simply not noticed your baby moving? Have you noticed a gradual decrease in your baby's movements over a few days? How long is it since you last felt your baby move?

It is not uncommon for busy women to get to the end of the day and suddenly become anxious that they have not felt their baby kicking since morning. Sit down or lie down and relax for an hour and see if your baby starts moving. If you are at all anxious and feel that there's been a definite change in the pattern of your baby's movements, pick up the phone and call your doctor, midwife or the hospital and seek for advice.