I have met so many fantastic pregnant girls that sell themselves short. When I enquire about their birth plans, they proclaim, 'epidural, epidural, epidural!' They have cut themselves off before even exploring any other possibilities. What i want to say to these girls is to open your eyes to the chance that you CAN manage it. It does not take much strength to say, 'ok I'm going to try'. This will open your mind to other options, options that will open to you a very happy, rewarding path. This then enables you to take a look at natural birth with none of the pressure it inevitably creates.
I wonder if girls essentially understand what an epidural comprises, well it is a thick needle that's injected into the epidural space in the lower area of your back. The needle is then taken out and the tube remains in your back as a entry point to administer drugs. This tube is attached to a device which administers a specific amount of drugs and local anaesthetic. You'll also have a button that you can activate to deliver more medicine if your pain worsens. The dosage is changed based on the pain you are experiencing. It's a really fine line between total insensibility and slight pain.
Now you have the facts about epidurals you can explore the informtion about natural birth and ways to have a natural birth. Or if you're completely serious about wanting an epidural you may wish to find out how to modify its use.
As you can see that even if you choose to go with an epidural as your birth plan, it doesn't mean that you cannot use various techniques to relax during birth. These relaxation methods will also assist you get ready for a c-section.
I have interviewed pros in the area of natural birth and yes, we do discuss the numerous facets of natural birth but we also discuss how the magnificent female body is intended to go thru birth. Girls need to trust their body and their baby and work as a team during birth. No matter what method you choose, whether it is natural birth, drugs or c-section, your baby and your body still need to go thru this together.
If you want to learn more about my Blogs then visit my website and have a read of the amazing information. Just remember that you can select to have the birth you like. Evaluate all your alternatives and you may be surprised with what works for you and your growing baby.Or go here to learn about pain free childbirth
Take care and enjoy your natural birth planning,
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