Pregnancy Morning Sickness and How to Tackle it

Pregnancy morning sickness is a term, which is used to describe the nauseating feeling that pregnant women get. Morning sickness is a misleading term, as it leads us to believe that most pregnant women experience nausea only in the sunrise. However, the truth is that only some women experience nausea in the morning, while others get it throughout the day. Some might experience it in the evening or in the afternoon as well. Therefore, one cannot say that sickness only occurs in the morning in all pregnant women.

Not The Same In Every Woman

Another fact that you must know about pregnancy queasiness is that, not every woman experiences it during pregnancy period. There are some women who will feel nausea throughout the pregnancy, while some would only experience it occasionally. Then, there are also women who will never experience it. Here you might be wondering what really the cause of nausea is.


Doctors will tell you that, there are many causes for morning sickness. Increased hormone levels, sensitivity to odors, and increased sensitivity in the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy are some of the causes that your doctor will point out to you for your vomiting. The queasiness that you are experiencing might be the result of one of these causes or a combination of these causes.

It is also said that, women who suffer from migraine headaches are more likely to experience vomiting. Pregnant women who are carrying twins or triplets are also more likely to experience morning sickness. Women who have experienced pregnancy nausea in their previous pregnancy are more likely to experience it in their second pregnancy as well.

Make A Note Of These Tips

As of today, there is no definite cure for vomiting. Even though there is cure, there are plenty of home remedies and prescription medications that help alleviate nausea. Some of the best tips for its relief are as following:

  • Do not keep your stomach empty.
  • Citrus fruits and crackers help keep vomiting at bay.
  • Avoid strong odors.
  • Avoid spicy, acidic, oily, and fried food.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat small meals several times a day, rather than having two or three full meals.
  • Take prenatal vitamins.
  • Take regular naps. Remember that you body needs rest.
  • Ginger and peppermint are quite effective in combating morning sickness.

    There are some very effective home remedies. Bananas, lemons, raspberry leaf tea, etc are some very good remedies that have been handed down over the generations. If you are following all the above mentioned tips and have also tried several home remedies (remember to talk to your doctor before you try any home remedy), you can consider acupuncture. Again, talk to your doctor about it. Your doctor can prescribe you a medication to help you with your sickness.

    As you can see, you do not have to dread nausea, because there are many ways to deal with it. If you are planning to get pregnant or are already pregnant, reading on the subject really helps in the long run. The more you know about the subject, the more prepared you are in dealing with pregnancy morning sickness.