Healthy Pregnancy Diet: 6 Tips To Avoid Excess Pregnancy Weight Gain

Pregnancy can be a beautiful time but many women fall into the trap of eating what they want and putting on more weight then they really want or need to. This article goes over some tips to help you avoid putting on too much weight and suffering in the long run.

Tip #1 - Eat A Good Breakfast
Breakfast really is an important part of the day and if you skip this meal you will suffer in many ways. First skipping breakfast will lead you to binge in the afternoon. Skipping breakfast will also leave you feeling tired and fatigued. You need to keep up your energy especially when pregnant. Some people do not like eating as soon as they wake up, I know I am one of them. I spend the first hour sipping on a liter of water. I always make sure I wake up and have time to really wake up and enjoy the morning instead of rushing about. After my liter of water I start to feel hungry and this is when I have a huge banana and date smoothie to get me off to the right start, My smoothies consist of 5-10 bananas and 4-6 dates. This is a LOT of calories but it keeps me sustained and happy for a lot of the day. Your baby will need the calories are a 6 to 8 hour sleep at night, so make sure you get breakfast in. Try to eat some fruit - juicy is always best, plus something nutritious to keep you filled up and sustained. Make a commitment to get breakfast in and you will be happy you did.

Tip #2 - Plan Meals
Although planning isn't something I like to spend too much time on, it can be a helpful thing to do. Planning will ensure you have plenty of nutritious snacks surrounding you when you need them. Making sure you have lots of raw fruits and vegetables about will help you feel satiated and help you avoid the sugary fatty snacks that will do nothing for your health or waist line.

Tip #3 - Go Shopping On A Full Stomach
When we are hungry we tend to want to eat everything in sight! If you are shopping you will see chocolates, cakes and maybe huge meals you could prepare and want to buy everything and eat it all when you go home. If you are full you will have no desire to eat and will stick to your shopping list. This is the best way to get yourself to buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid the things that will do nothing for you and your baby.

Tip #4 - Make Sure You Are Hydrated
So many people these days are dehydrated and mistake what is thrist for hunger. Make sure you are peeing clear 8-10 times a day. If your urine is a strong color you are dehydrated and need to drink up. Dehydration will make you feel tired and fatigued so it is crucial you make sure you are getting enough fluids.

Tip #5 - Avoid Salt
Salt will dehydrate you and you will have to drink even more water to compensate. Salt also destroys your tastesbuds. The only salt you need is from fresh fruits and vegetables so make sure you get plenty of fruits like melons and vegetables such as celery and spinach.

Tip #6 - Avoid Those Who Encourage You To Overeat
When you are pregnant people love to encourage you to overeat and eat everything in sight. They think it is healthy to eat and eat while pregnant. Do not eat to please others - it is very easy to overeat while pregnant and many women do.

There are many more things you can do to prevent overeating. Cut out sugary drinks and aim to only drink water and on the occasion freshly squeeze juice (that you have squeezed yourself). Aim to also eat fruit before each meal and a large salad everyday. These are things that can be easily done and are a great way to prevent overeating.

Enjoy your pregnancy but take care of your health.