Working Tips on How to Treat Back Acne

Back acne is a very common problem that can affect people in any age and any skin type. 80% people (aged 11- 30 years) suffer from one type of acne. Although most talked about is facial acne but back acne and body acne are also prominent. It causes permanent scars bringing imperfection to our body.

Back acne scars are also referred as 'follicular macular atrophy' and occur if hair follicles get clogged. It may happen because of combination of natural occurring oils, dead skin cells, sebum of skin. If body produces excess sebum, follicles become clogged resulting in pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts acne etc. As back has more sebaceous gland concentration, it is more prone to acne. Hormonal activity, bacteria, genetics, cosmetics or medication may trigger the condition.

Back acne is of 2 types
• Caused by loss of tissues like ice-pick scars
• Caused by increase in tissue formation like keloid scars.

Treatment for back acne can be done by cosmetic dermatology.

Dermabrasion:use high speed wire brush or diamond fraises that remove dead skin and allow for new cell growth. It is ablative surgery that removes epidermis in quite controlled fashion and is best and effective treatment.

Laser Skin Resurfacing:it reduces appearance of scars permanently. It removes dead skin cells using deep but controlled penetration allowing new skin to develop.

Acne Chemical Peels:chemical peel can remove top most layer of skin. That leaves bottom scar free layer of skin uncovered. Superficial, medium or deep chemical peels can be used depending on acne.

Punch Techniques:It is a surgical process that is used for deep back acne treatment. Tissue containing scar is physically removed.

Collagen Injections:fillers of collagen can be injected underneath scar tissue allowing scar rise to surface creating uniform look. It is not a permanent solution.

Fat Transfer:Fat taken from some other body part is injected underneath scars.

Body Micro dermabrasion:Aluminum oxide crystals are used instead of wire brush for removing surface skin revealing healthier underneath skin but it is not that must effective.

Holistic Success System: treating back acne can be easy with Acne No More System. It is a genuinely natural cure and treats the cause of it. So do you want to get rid of acne within 7 days? Follow this link to know better and try this working treatment for yourself.