No Matter What You Think! This Is Good 4 U.

No matter what you think! This is GOOD 4 U.
By Prof. Hasan Yahya

Forget the writer level of education, whither that level was very high, or very low, or between or whither he gives you an advice, or he plays with your mind forget that! It makes sense to you when you read it. That's all!. A philosopher is not a philosopher if he did not think deeply.
To simplify this for you, let's say you are with your girlfriend for example, or wife, or sister, or spouse, and you have a secret you were going to tell! or something you don't want to tell anyone about it. But changed your mind in the last moment.  such as something about you, and you don't like to tell them in the moment,
so, as smart person, you don't want to offend them, So what you do? you simply change the subject immediately and say: Are you hungry? or any other statement. But this is not simple, sometimes, when they insist to give them an answer. Then you tell them: OK, I will tell you after we eat. Later most of them will forget. It's so easy.
And if they did not, then you have enough time to bring another imaginative story.
And they will believe it and forget about your secret. An advice for you, then, would be to conceal your secret smartly. That's all!

The other thing, on personal level, don't make a big deal of trivial things, such as you see someone you like with someone you dislike. Don't panic, or got angry! Don't even trouble yourself to ask the expected question. Who's who? or why are you with him/her? because if you ask, you become in the weak position lacking knowledge. What would you do in this case is very simple even though it seems hard for some people! My advice for you is: Relax, and take a long breath. You will know what's going on. So change the subject, by saying: Hay! how are you doing? I missed you!

A third thing I want you know is this: Today I received a letter by the email,
it is a scam, I am sure! you agree with me when you know the story of that email.
The message I got today is different from any other email scam you and I ever received.
This story I will tell you about it in another article. Shaw Now! (423)

*** Hasan Yahya is a columnist at, Malaysia, and TINA International News Agency, Chicago.