Foot Fetish: is a Care Necessary?

This is my first article.
And he could be also the last: with my little english I am not able to write articles. I seriousely apologize for my horror-errors.

I've seen that some visitors arrive on my " target="_self" foot fetish site , looking for a care for the fetishism.
This thing make me smile. But the serious thing is that a lot of people seriously look for a cure to recover from their fetishism (or of their partners, lol).
On the web there are a lot of pages that treat the matter in "serious" way, offering different explanations (and some amusing solutions).
Also scientific literature doesn't help to understand the real entity of the phenomenon.
Simply its method is to catalog and to label all of our behaviors, with the pretension to explain its causes.
Unfortunately for the validity of the affirmations, all these types of studies are always "ex post" (after the behavior) and, above all, they are done on very problematic subjects (I would never go to a physician to ask "I am a fetishist 'cause I like the female feet; do I have to take care of me?"). Surely a not representative champion of the universe of reference.
This way you can find documents that introduce the fetishism of the feet as a "Paraphilia" ('para", over + 'philia', love), a mental health disorder like voyeurism, exhibitionism, sadism and masochism, transvestitism, pedophilia (!), necrophilia (also the other ones are ridiculous but I believe this association is perhaps a medical delirium), zoophilia, and other few reassuring things.
The cure can be psychotherapy, antiandrogen drugs, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors).

But the reality is, the greater part of the people who have a foot fetichism do not have a problem with it: a common fetishist can become sexually aroused even if his fetish isn't there in front to him.
Here the point. Foot fetishism doesn't need a cure.
Fetishism is a taste, not an illness.
An erotic taste, certainly. But however a taste as another.
And if you see a taste as an illness, you create an useless problem.
Instead if you explore him, you know him and you favor him, you are a fortunate man.
For instance, I use my "passion" for the female feet and bottoms as an elixir: if I want to have sex with a woman that I like just a little bit (but very little. it can happen), I ask the woman to wear a thong panties and, just admiring her bottom, I am immediately ready.
"Gnoti sauton", "Know yourself" was inscribed in the the Apollo Temple at Delphi...
