The Science of Getting Rich Program and Your Mind

The part of your personality you can see is your body. The body is the instrument of your mind, and this is the part of your personality that moves into action.

Other two parts cannot be seen, but these two parts are the most important. They are the Conscious Mind and SubConscious Mind. Conscious Mind deals with thought and the SubConscious Mind with feelings.

Conscious Mind

The conscious mind, unlike the subconscious mind, can accept or reject any thought or idea. You can choose thoughts you preferer and reject ones you do not want. The thoughts you choose determine the results in your life. Once you accept a thought, it is impressed upon the subconscious mind.

„You become what you think about" – Earl Nightingale

Sub - Conscious Mind

This is the most magnificient part of your personality. Every thought that conscious mind chooses to accept, this part must accept because it has no ability to reject. Any thought you consciously and constantly impress upon the sub - conscious mind becomes fixed in this part of your personality. These fixed ideas are more commonly referred to as habits.


All of your thoughts or images that are consciously chosen and impressed upon the sub - conscious mind, must move your body into action.

Other people with their habits and thoughts affect you, but you can change it so that your goals become your dominant thoughts, and by ignoring negative influences of other people. To change your results you have to change your thoughts, feelings and actions that produce results.


Change your subconscious mind by learning the principles that will bring you wealth. The Science of Getting Rich Program by Bob Proctor will direct your mind to good thinking and enable you to achieve your goals.

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