What is Counseling

Imagination can be a wonderful thing, but it can also cause some people to be mistaken about what something actually is. Where counseling is concerned, thanks to Hollywood and well written books, people who have never been to counseling think you go in, sit on a couch and talk while some guy with a notepad takes down notes about you. Counseling is not entirely like that. Basically, counseling is where a professional will give advice, opinions or direction based on what the patient has discussed with them. In some ways, a counselor could almost be seen as a guide. Counseling is done in an informal and comfortable environment where the patient is free to discuss what bothers them. They are free to express their feelings and emotions to someone they know are listening to them.

It’s easy for people who don’t really know what counseling is to not realize there are many different types of counseling for different problems. Counseling is very much like therapy in that there are individual areas in which counseling focuses on. It is not simply one broad thing that one person covers. There are actually different subjects that different counselors will specialize in. There is marriage counseling, family counseling, career counseling, mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, debt counseling, child development counseling and grief counseling, to name a few.

Marriage counseling is where a couple will go see a counselor to help settle difficulties in their marriage and to work through any problems they may have. Some couples even go to marriage counseling before they tie the knot to ensure they keep and maintain the strong bond they have through a long and happy marriage. Family counseling comes in, more often than not, when parents are having difficulties with their children. Parents can bring their children in and speak with a counselor who can then help them work through their disagreements. Career counseling focuses on individuals who are trying to find the right career to go into, as well as for people who are in a career but are thinking of a change or looking for a way to advance in their current career. Mental health counseling is for people who may be suffering from a form of depression, or who may suffer from some other mental condition. Substance abuse counseling focuses on those who wish to get over an addiction, such as alcoholism, so they can better their personal lives. Debt counseling is for people who might be in debt and they need help in managing their finances properly. Other people may not necessarily be in debt, but they are looking for some education on how to manage their finances properly. Child development tends to deal with younger kids who may need help in learning to focus, learn how to deal with their emotions properly, learn how not to be anti-social and how they can build more self-confidence. Grief counseling typically deals with those who have lost a loved one, either tragically or by natural causes.

The areas of counseling mentioned above are only a few of the many that are actually out there in the world today. It is a very broad area that covers just about any subject a person would seek counseling in if necessary. It is nothing to fear and has come a long way from the old stereotype. In the end, it is only fear and misunderstanding that prevents many people from opening up to the idea of counseling.