Ringing In My Ears And Dizziness - Having an Inner Ear Infection, Dizziness, and Vertigo

/?040710" Ringing In My Ears And Dizziness

My inner ear infection started like this...

I was doing work at my computer desk and felt a "surge" through my head for a second, like someone pushed my head to the side.Ringing In My Ears And Dizziness

I stopped for a second and thought to myself..."wooo, that was weird dizzy feeling." And went back to work.

I think it happened again that same day and I thought the same thing.

Well, the next day it happened again while I was at my computer desk and I thought the same thing...."woooo dizzy again." Maybe I was working too hard.

An hour or so later, the same feeling, like my head was being pushed to the side.

"Everyone gets a dizzy feeling" I thought to myself, but I meant like once or twice a year. This seemed to be coming on a regular basis.

This continued for another day or 2 with those "jolts" of dizziness. It happened once when I was away from my desk and by now it was a feeling I was familiar with. I mentioned these dizzy feelings to my wife as I was becoming concerned and she replied "We'll have to watch that".

Well the next day, I forgot exactly when, all of a sudden the jolts increased but even worse was the strange feeling that came on inside me.

It is so hard to explain, as I never had a feeling like that. Almost like your chest is shaking. The inside of your chest. Nothing that would be visible to anyone. It is feeling of panic and dread.

I had to sit down and then eventually lie down. My wife was there and was concerned "Telling me to lie down". So I did, for a while. I felt a little better so I got back up. But it came back. This odd feeling surging through my body.

I remember trying to put my son's tricycle together and all I could focus on was how weird I felt. My heart would feel like it was racing, I would feel flushed, but not really...so hard to describe!

Well the bike didn't get finished. I had to stop as the strange feelings increased and got worse again.

That was it. My labyrinthitis / vestibular neuritis had shown itself. And it was to remain with me a long long time.

I felt like I was having a heart attack. /?040710" Ringing In My Ears And Dizziness

If you have ever read about the symptoms of a heart attack or heard anyone describe the symptoms, it is easy to understand why.

I had some pains in my chest. I had a pain in my left arm. I was panicked. I had this feeling of dread. It was horrible, It was like my body was racing, heart pounding, blood flowing, just horrific.

I forgot exactly when the dizziness increased but it doesn't matter. All I know is, what were once little jolts a few times a day was now a jolt every 20 seconds or so.

I never really developed that constant spinning feeling, like you do when you turn yourself around for 10 times really quickly and then stop. The classic vertigo sensation.

My dizziness was like this...

I felt as if someone every so often would push my head to the side, or push it down towards the ground. Except of course there was nobody touching my head.

Sometimes it felt like an elephant was standing on my head for a second, the pressure was that great.

A jolt is the best way to describe my feelings of dizziness. Each jolt lasted a second and they happened every 20 seconds or so.

Sometimes I would go longer between jolts, like around a minute or so. But, it was always there.

I suffered from nausea that seemed to almost be constant. I never vomited, though I came close once while in the bathroom.

This was my initial episode.

There is more to my story, but that can give you a good overview and for those of you who have this illness, I'm sure you can identify.

There are some people who get over this illness in 10-14 days. Then there are the other people who suffer the ultra-strange symptoms, feelings, anxiety, pain, etc for months if not years.

By applying my knowledge of nutrition and health including dietary supplements, changes, and certain movement exercises, I was able to get over this illness.

When I started really going strong with my own regimen, the illness faded quicker and I saw real improvement in a shorter amount of time than was taking place before.

You can overcome your illness. I am proof. Other people have been documented to get over this illness also. So there is hope. /?040710" Ringing In My Ears And Dizziness