Using Aura Colors to Change Your Reality

Having recently gotten the chance to work with an aura camera, I have learned a lot about how you can use the information in aura readings to change your state of mind, state of body, and outlook on the world around you. One of the main focuses of the our initial work in public was to determine how people's surroundings affected them. Aura colors are usually the first thing that catches people's eye- they see a face or a figure surrounded by brilliant color, and they want to know if it is real. Not only is the biofeedback aspect of the camera a solidly scientific device that is measuring data such as body temperature, moisture, electromagnetic waves and the like, but the images themselves have been tested (double-blind) against physics who can see auras. Whether you trust the science or the physic, both say the same thing- the depictions on the screen are correct.

Now, about this "changing reality" bit. Sitting down with an aura camera the first time and taking a candid photo, you're not likely to see a perfectly balanced human. With all the distractions in our daily lives, as well as our personal energetic tendencies, there isn't anything wrong with this, it is just the nature of the beast. If, however, a person were to sit down and meditate, do deep breathing, ground or center themselves before having the photo taken, the image would likely show a much calmer, more balanced person. In learning how to change your state of mind and body like that, you can learn how to change your experience of reality.

Even if there is not an aura camera in front of you, knowing that you can help yourself relax when you're stressed, or re-invigorate your body when you're feeling a little sluggish gives you a great deal of personal power. That puts the choice of how your perceive and experience your life into your hands. Do you like how you feel? If you don't, and you would rather change how you're feeling, do it! Ultimately, it really is that simple. Unfortunately, people are rarely taught that in the society we live in today. Our culture teaches us that we need help to change how we feel, and that's just not the case. Every single person out there has the skill and ability to bring themselves into their higher truth and into better alignment with themselves and their ideals, morals and spiritual beliefs.