What Your Favorite Color SignifiesWhat Your Favorite Color Signifies: Psychoanalysts relate that the color a person most favors, reveals moods and mood swings. They suggest that the very colors themselves have a direct effect on our state of mind. Beige: A tannish grey color exhibits impartiality. Though you certainly are not of a boisterous nature, many have a difficulty in understanding just what exactly your nature is. Black: The color of night, this darkness betokens a lack of warmth and often clear mindedness, often being in a funeral disposition. Grieving for yourself and others because you are in a negative state of being, it is difficult for you to see the light. Analysts suggest a correlation between acute depression and the choice of the color black-as this is actually devoid of any color-life. Blue: As serene as the sky and sea, your desire is to be at peace with yourself. The sky and the sea are mostly empty bodies, reflecting the person’s desire to be unbothered by others. Brown: Signifying loss and hopelessness, it is difficult for you to break away from these gloomy feelings. Realism is associated with this color choice, as it reflects the color of the earth. Some anal eroticism may be present as this is the color of the feces. Gold Or Silver: These colors have always been associated with wealth, feeling up, owing to the metals that they mirror. Gray: Gray subconsciously denotes respect for elders and the wisdom that comes with it, it can nevertheless be associated with one’s feeling washed up and exhausted. Green: Reflecting springtime, you are always in the mood to start anew. Although you can be down at times, it is very easy for you to spring back into action. The color most associated with life and relaxation, is has been said that a room colored so has an emotionally calming affect. Purple: Even if you cannot draw a straight line, you see life as an artist. You’d be defined as an eccentric, sometimes even a recluse. You surely have made an impact. Red: The blood in your guts announces your excitement to all. You can be very up and very down and almost simultaneously. Your love of life is great, unless someone happens to get in the way. Associated with tension and fear, psychologists suggest that the color reflects the anxiety of getting hurt seeing blood. White: You feel and crave purity. Although your home may be in disarray, you certainly would prefer it to be tidy. The one who desires to be taintless-virtuous prefers this color. Yellow: Reflecting the color of the sun, its role of giving light and warmth from above, this signifies a deep spiritual though not necessarily religious nature. The stimulation that affects the intellect that is said to be associated with this bright color, may be due to the color’s association with the sun-the heavenly body that is above us-enlightening everything. |