Meaning Of Dreams, Do They Mean Anything?

Dreaming is a great way to get relaxation in most cases. Well unless you are having a nightmare, or falling, or something else. But what do dreams mean? Will you ever follow through with something you've done in a dream?

But do many remember what they have dreamt at night? There are many times that you may remember the dream for a bit, but as you wake up more and the day goes on, you may also completely lose what you've dreamt about. In that case, should you even worry about what a dream means?

A person who is creative will use dreams to their advantage too. In fact many writers and painters will get stories or images directly from what they dreamt about. At times these images and ideas can be terrifying.

Does this mean that people who dream about murder are bad? Heck no, in fact if you take some B12 you may even experience some very vivid dreams; ones like you never have before.

So what do dreams means? Well it depends on who you want to believe, but it does seem like most of the dream interpretations that you find on the internet are pretty closely related on most of the subjects and what they mean.

Or if you go with Freud's way of thinking almost all dreams you have are connected to sexual feelings that are repressed. Of course it's also known that one of Freud's most popular vices was the use of Cocaine. Not taking anything from the brilliant doctor though, because his studies have vastly improved modern psychology.

But dreams and what they mean have changed over the years, and most people will think what they want to think. Though looking up the meanings of different things is a lot of fun and when done in a setting with friends can create a very interesting and fun night full of laughter.

Dreams of death use to mean that a birth was imminent, while dreams of birth meant death. However if you look at the meanings now they are completely different. Which do you side with?

So instead of worrying that you dreamt of killing your husband last night, enjoy the fact that in your dream you got rid of some of your aggression. Enjoy life and remember that dreams are just that dreams. They may mean something, but it's really hard to classify everyone's dreams into one meaning.